a princes slave huh? chapter 12

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ok this is really short- i just wanted to get to the point!! lol

BUt its good =)

c omment vote?


 Later that night I was watching T.V Blake had avoided me for the most part. He was kinda busy though. And Megan was in his room all day doing something?  The entire day he looked like he was thinking long and hard. and I didn’t want to ask what was wrong because I had a feeling it was me.

It was a commercial break when I heard a beep outside the house, I just figured it was Mike or Brian, but I realized I had played Halo with them like an hour ago they hadn’t left. I just ignored it.

I watched Blake come up to me.

“Jessie- uh I thought about what you said and you needing time and stuff and I- I arranged for you to go home for a month or two- take some time get back to school see friend whatever.” I was speechless

“Marks outside waiting for you and Megan packed a suit case of your stuff here’s your cell phones right here- you have a new number since I'm guessing your dad stopped paying for you- so now I'm paying for your phone oh and the doctor says to take 2 of these pills so – well I don’t really know what there for but you have to take them for 10 days after, well drowning.” he said in a low almost sad voice. I took the phone and pill bottle from him and I didn’t say anything. I was bursting with happiness on the inside and was so excited to get back home watched him walk away and come back with a suit case. I took it from him and my hand skimmed his as I grabbed it.

 I looked up and I looked into his tinted blue eyes- and all I saw was sadness and regret but a little happiness. Blake started walking away. I watched him take a few steps.

“Blake” I called

He turned around “yeah?” I smiled really big and he smiled too but  he didn’t expect it when I came lunging at him from five feet away dropping the bag and cell phone as I ran. He caught me easily as jumped into his safe arms and hugged him tight- wrapping my legs around his waist. He put me down and I got up on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek gently.

“thank you” I whispered into his ear.

I didn’t want Mark waiting for too long, so I went to see Mike and Brian before I left

I walked to Mikes room slowly and I knocked on his door not waiting for a response. Mike and Ally were just watching T.V. I clicked the light on. Mike and Ally looked over

“uh- I'm leaving here for a while I’ll be back in a month or two…  so I just came to say bye” I said to Mike- and kind of Ally

Mike got up suddenly and he hunched his back as he ran to me I was kinda scared and didn’t get a chance to run before he  picked me up and swung  me around. When I finally put me down I let out air and just took him in for an old fashion hug.

“I’ll see you soon Kicker” he said laughing

‘Bye Mike- bye Ally” I said walking out.

I went to Brian’s room to find Brian playing X-box and Rachel on the computer. Do they have an X-Box in every room- seriously?

“Brian” I called he didn’t here so I called again  “Brian!” no response. I marched over to him snatched the remote and paused the game

“aww whatdya do that for Jessie?” he asked like a baby looking up at me

“Your so cute!” I squealed bending down and pinching his cheeks

“what do you want?” he whined

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