Eye Contact

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Chapter 54

Today was the day.

I find out if I get to stay with Ashton or not. Alicia came in to wake me up but found me already awake sitting in my bed watching the sun rise up through my window.

"Oh, I had no clue you were already awake." Alicia said folding up some clothes that I left on the floor.

"I've only been awake for ten minutes." I lied. I didn't really sleep. The anxiety inside me wouldn't let me stay asleep for thirty minutes so I off and on again slept.

"Okay, well go take a shower and then I can go and do your hair when you're finished if you'd like."

She and David were genuine people which I appreciated. They weren't too always in my business and seemed like they wanted me to be with Ashton. I really just hope for the best for them.

"Yeah...that would be nice." I smiled at her. She smiled back.

After my shower, I dressed and got downstairs. David had made breakfast and was sitting at the table reading some book. There were three plates laid down. David was already dressed to go to court and Alicia had just walked through the door wearing a nice dress.

"Eat up so we can get on that hair." She said sitting down and grabbing her fork.

I ate quietly but couldn't sit still. I just wanted to go and see all of the boys. I wanted to hear the judge say that I could stay with Ashton. I wanted to run up to him in excitement that we could finally stay together. For right now, I have to finish my breakfast.

Alicia followed me up the stairs after we put our plates in the sink. She sat me down and smiled as she grabbed her curling iron and curled my hair into perfect curls. She put some bobby-pins in my hair and sprayed a lot of hairspray. We laughed at how much I coughed from it all.

David had been waiting by the steps holding documents and what not that was required to be brought in. Alicia and I followed him out the front door into the car. I still could not sit still.

We pulled up and immediately were covered by security guards. People figured out that they court date was today. Cameras, screaming fans, and rude reporters were lined up waiting for us to enter. I felt like screaming.

We were escorted in and waited. I turned my head and saw Ashton sitting there crying while the boys sort of stood not knowing how to feel on this day.

I stood up and we made eye contact. He stood up too. We started running towards each other...

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