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I carefully open my window and start to look outside and look down

'Wow it's too high , so I jump- no I will die . What should I know? Ohhh maybe a rope will help "

I take a look at my room but couldn't find any rope ,but luckily I notice my curtain.


I smirk and grab the curtain

'Dad you can't force me to do what I don't want '

A few minute later I got a long rope that make from curtain . I throw it out of the window and tie it tightly with my bed . I get some money with me and my phone then start to hold my rope and get down carefully . When I sucess get down , I quickly walk out from my house gate .

'Hope no one will see me here'

I think God with me , no one see me escape from my house .


'Young master '

Yubin knock the door ,but no one answer him .

'Young master ,don't mad and opens the door. Your dad is waiting'

Yubin keep knocking the door but no one answer . He feel like something wrong so he run to xiao zhan's dad who is sitting at the dinner room .

'Master, young master doesn't opens the door .'

'Maybe he is sleeping'

'I guess no . Because everytime he slept he will yell at me but this time he is quiet '

'Really ?'

Xiao zhan's dad get up and get the key and walk to xiao zhan 's room . He unlock the key but xiao zhan is no where to  find .

' He really run away '

His dad shake his head

'What should we do now , master'

'Tell the wang family that we are sorry and weeding has to waited till we find xiao zhan "

'Okay sir'

Yubin bow down and walk out .

Xiao zhan POV

It's far already maybe they can't find me now .I should find somewhere to stay. I should have bring my car with me ,so I don't have to walk like this . Now I have to walk and find somewhere to stay ,but then


Some stupid person ride their moto without looking and it bump in me 

'Are you crazy ??? You don't bring your eyes with you? Are you blind? Your riding skill is so- '

I haven't finish my line yet , but when I look at him I already feel scare. He is so scary with a poker face . I stop talking and keep silent .

'If you didn't injuries,  just shut up and get away from my way . You are the one who didn't look at the road and walk into my way '

He stare at me with a scary look then ride his moto away from me .

'How scary ' I mumble

 marriage  /yibo x xiaozhanWhere stories live. Discover now