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After he walk out from yibo's place , xiaozhan had no idea which way should he walked too. He walked slowly and carelessly like a person without soul until he bump into someone and it was yubin.

' Master!! Young master!! '
'huh yubin'

As soon as he meet yubin he can feel that his tear is falling down . He suddenly hug yubin like how he alway do when he was upset , hurt , or feel sad . He alway hug a person that stay close to him . Yubin live with xiaozhan since he was young so he just stand there and pat his back without asking anything .

'Yubin I want to go back home and meet dad'
'Yes master'

xiaozhan still hug yubin tightly but then a tall , slim man appear in front of both of them . The sad but scary look appear on his face he want to pull xiaozhan away but yubin caught his hand .

' Who are you?'
'I should be the one who ask this question'

Before it turn to be a big fight xiaozhan stopped yubin first .

'Yubin I told you i wanted to go home'
'Yes master'

Xiaozhan let go of yubin before he leave and didn't even spare a glance to yibo . Yubin also left with xiaozhan and now yibo was th e only person that stand there by himselft . When xiaozhan got inside the car he sat there without saying anything . Yubin was a bit worried about his young master condititon . But he didnt want to ask him . After a few min later they finally arrived home . Xiaozhan walk in slowly until he met his dad . His dad was about to snap him with some word but after saying his face , he ended up asking him the question.

'What's wrong? Something happened?'
'I met wang yibo'

His dad was a bit happy but the next sentence didn't make him feel happy anymore.

'Is that okay if i want to stop the marriage ?'

Xiaozhan didn't say anything but the red eyes tell him anything . Even sometime xiaozhan act like a brat to him but he was his only child that he love the most . If yibo was the reason that his son become like that then stop the marriage is not the big deal . He pat his son head slowly and gently .

'Xiaozhan you must be tired. Go get some rest now .'

xiaozhan nodded before he walked up to his room .

'Yes old master?'
'Call to inform the wang family . I have something to talk with them in person '
'Yes old master'.

 marriage  /yibo x xiaozhanWhere stories live. Discover now