Part 2

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You have the rest of the time to work on your projects which are due tomorrow, I suggest you use the time you have. We start quirk training in an hour" Mr.Aizawa announces to his class before retreating back into the yellow cocoon of a sleeping bag, zipping it up completely.
"Hey doesn't Aizawa seem a bit more tired than usual?" Sero questions
"He does, but he never gets enough sleep anyway." Denki remarked
"Oh, maybe it's connected to what happened the other night. Dabi was arrested, and was said he was later interrogated last night." Midoryia informed, which led to one of his endless mutters of what could have occurred during that time
"Will all of you SHUT UP?!" Bakugo barked
"We can talk about this at lunch guys." Kirishima beamed, resting a hand on his blond friend's shoulder. From there, they got to work on their individual projects that were assigned. Shouto, being the theorist he is, ease-dropped from the other side of the classroom, pretending not to pay attention. Shouto did agree that Aizawa did indeed look more fatigued than usual, especially how monotone he was today. He watched the broadcast of that arrest, and something just didn't sit right with him. Unlike back at the summer camp incident, he was able to get a long detailed look at the villain's face, something was familiar about him. 'The way he used his fire, was the same technique as mine and Endeavor's. He has the same eye color as us, including a similar quirk. Something isn't right, how he antagonized both of us, using our names, his ideology of fake heroes, that lifeless look in his eyes, the placement of his scars...' Shouto's head was spinning with conspiracies of who could Dabi be, he wasn't able to get over this feeling of unsettling familiarity. Not being able to focus, Shouto was going to look up if any new information on the villain has been discovered, until at least, there was a knock at the classroom door. Hearing the unzipping of a bag, Aizawa shuffled over to the door, upon opening it, two figures entered the room, one of which made Shouto's breath hitch.
"I'm sorry we didn't notify you earlier Mr.Aizawa, but due to some new information on... the case, we need Todoroki Shouto to leave campus today. Shouto if you could gather your belongings and follow us." Principal Nezu instructed.
"I understand, Shouto I'll give you an extra day in your project, and will inform you what you need to make up when you return." This concerned Shouto 'Where exactly am I going? He never gives us extra days on this, unless something very important happened.'
"Shouto, let's go" Endeavor commanded. He followed, the stomping footsteps of his father being the only sounds down the hallway, off campus. Approaching a medium sized government truck, Shouto started to get nervous.
"There's no need to fear Shouto, you did nothing wrong." Nezu reassured him "It is something that simply involves the Todoroki family."
"My family? But how?"
"Oh your father didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?" Shouto glowered, sending an icy glare in his direction.
"You'll find out soon enough, besides it's something rather hard to explain in a calm manner." Opening the door of the truck for his son and the principal, they stepped inside to find a seat. Stunned, Shouto was pressed down into a seat next to his brother, Natsuo, the other being his sister, Fyunami. They were both silent, which was even more concerning, not only was he taken out of school, but everyone but his mother was here. They both looked at their youngest sibling, then at each other, finally with both looking away.
"What is going on? Am I the only one who doesn't know?" Shouto questioned
"Dad, you didn't tell him?" Fyunami questioned
"Why would he? You saw what my reaction was, it's not going to be pretty." Natsuo huffed, resulting a grunt to come from Endeavor. All sat in tense silence, hoping this ride will soon end.


"Hawks, there's something you forgot to grab from the prisoner" One of the prison officers remarked
"Didn't I get everything? The lab was able to confirm his identity, and his hair color back to what it was, as it was starting to show on the hair I got from him." Hawks whined
"You forgot his fingerprints, once they're done dying his hair color back, he'll be placed in a confined interrogation room, he'll be talking to some people today..."
"Oh? Who would that be?" Hawks interrupts
"AS I was saying, You'll need to go into that room and collect them from both hands. There's no need to fear about his quirk, but from what I heard, he'll be pretty angry, they had to strap him down again to bleach and dye his hair. Be prepared for a lot of resistance."
"I...I understand sir." Hawks stammered 'How am I supposed to get these fingerprints from him? He'll be able to stand this time, and will attack me however possible' his face frowned at the thought, but knew it had to be done. Becoming bored, Hawks decided to observe just how angry he was. Drawing near where he was held, lots of yelling and excessive cursing could be heard.
"You assholes! If you're going to dye my hair back to this, can I at least have my staples back? These stitches are getting uncomfortable for my skin."
"For sanitary reasons, only stitches will be allowed."
"Sanitary my ass! They just want me to look shittier than I already do, HEY watch where you put your fucking hands you bastard!"
Every sentence was becoming more vulgar, he never went to the room to peek in, let alone to closer proximity. Walking down the bleak halls of the facility, Hawks waited outside the assigned interrogation room, which there was a few chairs set up, five to be specific 'must be for those coming later today'. The pondering of who it could be stopped after about thirty minutes when a new red head insulted him.
"Looks like you can't stay away from me for long, eh Hawks?"
"I just forgot something to do last night, so I'm doing it now. And wow... you're a red head? You kinda look like the hero I buddy around with."
"Don't even compare me to that flaming pile of garbage, he's no hero, he's a AUGH" A harsh hand smacked the back of his head, leaving some of the new dye on it.
"Watch yourself, inmate, you're already on thin ice from how you acted during your haircut." The officer scolded, holding onto one arm, while another took the other. Being dragged into the room, they switched out his bulky cuffs for slimmer ones that exposed his hands. "you have ten minutes to get those fingerprints, Hawks." The officer opened the door, giving him the ink and sheet for it. Being pushed in, the door slammed shut behind him. Across from the table sat Dabi, now sporting an orange jumpsuit with thick metal bracers and chin guards, the most prominent being the one around his neck. They used the most powerful restraints on every part of his body, to ensure he could certainly be unable to use his quirk.
"So... the birdbrain was unable to get everything he needed. The question now is, who will be the prey?" Before Hawks could even answer, Dabi shot up, running towards him, raising a leg to kick, it was rather simple to dodge as long as one was vigilant. Many were thrown, eventually one landed, dropping the items, Hawks was slammed onto the ground, knee on his back, foot on his right arm, slowing applying force, the cuffs were now lining his throat. Looming over the hero he snickered "Looks like your life now rests in my hands." pulling his arms outwards in opposite directions, the winged hero started to tear up, struggling to even let out a sound. The ring of chain around his neck was getting smaller and smaller. Coughing up spit, his vision was spotting, becoming harder to struggle, he finally expanded his wings to force himself up. Beating them rapidly, they did get him off the ground, but not enough to throw off the assailant. No longer being able to stand, he started to fall back, onto the chest of the one strangling him. On the verge of passing out, he was about to cave when finally the chokehold was released. Collapsing to the ground, on his hands and knees, Hawks looked up to Dabi, who surprisingly handed him a complete fingerprint sheet.
"Take that as a warning, the next time you think it's wise to mock or intimidate me, remember this moment. Even without my quirk, I can still kill you. Now, get out." Shaking to his feet, wheezing, Hawks took the sheet and ink that was handed to him, slowly walking out the door, throat in hand.
"My god, what happened in there?!" one of the officers outside the door said worryingly.
"He strangled me with his handcuffs, didn't you hear anything?" Hawks spoke hoarsely
"No, unfortunately all we heard was a light thud, but nothing more. We thought nothing of it, I apologize for not coming in, we underestimated the prisoner."
"Don't be, he attacked me because I angered him earlier, it's not your fault."
"Our priority is to keep you safe, there's no room for innocents to be harmed by criminals like him."
"It's ok, I had it under control." Hawks lied, that's the last thing he had in that situation, Dabi had him under his thumb, grateful that he wasn't killed, Hawks walked back to the entrance to hand in the fingerprints.
"What happened to your neck?"
"Just had a little scuffle from the inmate I had to get these from."
"Those look like chain marks. Are you sure you're alright? These prints also don't show any struggle, which is unusual for individuals like this one."
"I'm completely fine, I had it under control." With that last comment, he left the prison, walking out to his car when he saw a government truck pull up. Stepping out was most of the Todoroki family, along with UA's principal Nezu. However he made no joyful shouts to them, knowing what they were doing here. Stepping into the car, and driving off.

Red is the new black; a dabi and shouto todoroki fanficWhere stories live. Discover now