Part 6

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Quick A/N: Hey guys! I'm really glad you're all enjoying the story, the comments you people leave are super sweet, anyway just know updates are slow! I do have a somewhat busy schedule, so this usually ends up on the back burner, but I'll try to keep chapter lengths consistent, like at about 1,000 words per chap. Anyway that's all, enjoy the story!

In the following weeks, Shouto visited his brother as much as he could. Usually bringing the convict snacks lighted his mood, and could get more or better questions answered. Shouto has learned how Dabi controls his fire, strategies used at the training camp, the recoil from using blue fire, some bits from the past, and his overall thoughts towards each Todoroki. But today was the last visit with Dabi in prison, Shouto and his siblings were able to convince their father to allow him back into the house, after all these years, Dabi will be coming back home. Like the first visit, everyone but their mother was there, taking a deep breath, Shouto stepped into the room.
"Oh, no snacks this time? Must be feeling gracious.... or maybe something better has came up?" The charred man smirked, leaning in
"Yes, the papers for house arrest went through, you'll be leaving this place. However you'll have to work your way to earning freedom in the house, like starting with the cuffs you have on until you can prove you can be trusted by most of our family, as well of not being allowed to be in the house alone." Looking down, he fumbled with his fingers, only to have a large weight come on top of him.
"Looks like our agreement will come into play, good job, Shou." Dabi's large cuffs hung in his brother's lap, head on his shoulder, Dabi continued
"To be honest, I didn't think you'd be able to convince the old bastard. Let alone accept me for who I am. Although I have one question." Shouto looked to the side with interest "Is mom here?" There was a pause, a rather long one, looking down, he knew his answer. With a heavy sigh, he stood up. "Is Natsuo at least here?" Looking back, Shouto shot up from his seat. "As well of Fyunami and.... Endeavor." Grabbing the door for his brother, Natsuo was the first to clammer onto Dabi.
"Hey Touya! You can't believe how happy I am to see you, ready to come back home?" Natsuo commented with a melancholy smile. "Ready as I'll be, can't say I'm thrilled, but it will beat this." Dabi chuckled, looking up to their sister, Fyunami just stood there, frozen. He tried to take a step forward, but she would then just take one back "Oh come on Fyunami, I'm your brother. I wouldn't hurt you, Natsuo, Shouto, or mom, Enji on the other hand..." Blue eyes met up with those just as cold.
"I can send you back here at any time, don't forget that." Endeavor huffed, starting to walk down the hall, everyone else followed. The entire way to the car, eyes were on them filled with shock, worry, or jealously. But before they could leave, Dabi had to be put into more restraints.
"If you give us any rebellious actions, you will not be permitted to leave." With a grunt, he complimented to the muzzle, extra collar, shin bracers, and ankle bracelets. "Hmph, surprised you cooperated with us for once. You're ready to go." The guard gestured to the vehicle outside. Natsuo opened the door for everyone, waiting until the one who couldn't walked through. Dabi kept his head down, a sense of shame covered what could be seen on his face. The entire trip was kept in silence, no one dared to speak, or to break the stares that Endeavor and Dabi were shooting back at eachother.


After the uncomfortable ride to the Todoroki household, Everyone exited the car, A sigh of relief puffed out from Natsuo and Fyunami. Nothing bad happened on the car ride here. As the gate opened to the establishment, Dabi slowly walked around, taking everything in, how the place was just like how he left it. The garden, kitchen, living room, training room, and his room. He simply stood there, looking at the handle, even though he could open it, he dared not to. Looking to the side, he found shouto walking towards him.
"Did you want to go into your room?" Shouto looked up
"No, from the looks of it nothing has changed, and I guess my room hasn't either." he retorted
"What do you mean? Did something happen in there?"
"Open it for yourself, you're allowed in my room, it's not like you're forbidden to do so now." Shouto nodded, he slowly placed a hand on the door, sliding it open, what he witnessed in this room dug up bad memories. Damaged furniture, burn marks on the wall and floor, everything was covered in dust, it felt surreal to be in a room that felt so empty, depressing, abandoned. This is the first time he's been in this room, or from what he remembers.
"You used to come down here all the time, before your quirk manifested, you'd try to patch me up, to get me to play with you, or you were just scared and wanted me to comfort you." Dabi's muffled voice laughed through the muzzle.
"I don't remember coming here, and for some reason, I don't really remember you."
"Not surprised, you were isolated from us at a young age, like me. But you were kept under a tighter leash. No one but mom was really allowed to see you."
"...Right, and you had already left when she lost it and poured hot water on my face."
"So that's what happened to your face, anyway you still have a ways with me before I say anything. Now, can you at least take this muzzle off of me? You know I'm not some caged animal." Shouto walked out the room, reaching up to the straps of  metal, he unbuckled the muzzle. Now with it off, Dabi stretched out his jaw, yawning, he smiled at Shouto and motioned for him to follow. Doing just that, they went out into the garden, where Dabi and the rest of the siblings played. Sitting down at the sidelines, Shouto came down right beside him. Neither of them spoke, just enjoying eachother's company, in the sort of peaceful silence. Eventually gaining the courage, he leaned on the other. Letting out a deep sigh, they didn't know how long it was like this, but it was long enough from dawn to go to dusk. Eventually he was pulled into his brother's lap, he started to protest, however seized once situated. With a chin on his head, the mismatched eyes started to grow heavy, ever slipping into sleep from the steady breathing and cozy warmth Dabi emitted. Soon enough, the brother also fell asleep, leaning against the house with Shouto in his arms.


"....Shou....Outo......" Waking up to someone calling his name and nudging his face. "Shouto, wake up."
"Ok, I'm up." Shouto yawned, stretching out his arms, he pushed himself off of Dabi. The door to the house slid open, revealing a shocked sister.
"Were you two out here all night?!" She gasped
"So what if we were? First time a had a relaxed moment in this place." Dabi stood up, extending his arms out "Besides it's not like it was storming or below freezing..."
"Yes it was! It was 20 degrees (-6.67 C) last night!" she scolded
"Oh..." The brothers said in unison. Shrugging it off, the convict simply walked past them, heading to his room. Looking at eachother with worry, Shouto and Fyunami followed him up to the tattered room. Only to find the door wide open with the redhead inside, on the broken bed, looking out the dusty window, with his heavy sighs being the only sounds in the room. Thinking it was best to leave him be, the two quietly went back downstairs to prepare some breakfast.

Red is the new black; a dabi and shouto todoroki fanficWhere stories live. Discover now