Chapter 13

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*Third Person*

  The San Diego show wasn't as enjoyable for Kai since she was backstage alone the whole time which showed her what most of the tour would be for her.
  Though when the boys had little amounts of free time they would all hang out.
  They were now at their third destination, Vegas, and the boys were doing soundcheck, mostly goofing off. This was because Christina was to arrive any minute now and they wanted to introduce her to Kai.
  Minutes later there was shuffling from backstage and they all looked expectantly to where the noise was heard. Christina appeared with her suitcase and Corbyn ran up to her.
  "Chris!" He exclaimed as he squeezed her tightly.
  "Bean!" She squealed. "I missed you so much!"
  They separated and the boys all exchanged their hello's which left Kai who was sitting in one of the seats at the venue.
  "Kai, come up here. We have to introduce you to someone." Jack gestured towards Christina and Kai nodded, climbing onto the stage.
  "This is my girlfriend, Christina." Corbyn explained.
  "Hey, I'm Kai." She replied as the two shook hands.
  Christina smiled, though there was a slight part of her that felt sorry for Kai. Though Kai seemed happier, Christina felt a sick feeling how the girl had tried to take her own life.
  "Chris is going to be joining us on tour so you guys don't have to stay and watch all the shows. You can travel around the cities or do whatever you two want." Corbyn informed Kai.
  "Oh good, not saying you guys aren't amazing but it gets slightly boring." Kai sighed as the boys chuckled.
"Anyways boys, Kai and I have some things to discuss while you continue soundcheck. Bye." Christina smirked before pulling Kai with her backstage.
The boys stood, perplexed, but shrugged because they knew she wouldn't give them an answer.
Once backstage Christina let go of Kai. "I've got ideas for this tour. Besides exploring the amazing cities we need to prank the guys. Show them who's boss."
Kai chuckled. "I like you already."
Christina flashed a smile as the two proceeded to make their way to the room.



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Liked by @Kai.Avery, @corbynbesson and 60,374 others

@beautychickee: Double trouble🤫[@Kai.Avery]

@Kai.Avery: Hehehe😈
↪️@User5: There up to somethin'

@User3: The duo you didn't know you needed👏
↪️@User18: I love their friendship already and I didn't even know they knew each other

@User10: I have a hypothesis. So Christina has a suitcase and it looks like it could fit lots of clothing. Kai was at the boy's show in Costa Mesa and was only recently announced. The location shows Christina is in Nevada, where the boys perform for their third show today. They also seem to be backstage, as at my school backstage looks exactly like this. So if you are at the concert look for Kai and Christina!!!
↪️@User23: You might be right!

@Hater5: Kai seriously has to become friends with every person I like😒
↪️@Hater16: She needs to 👉🚪

See more comments

"Ok so we have five prank ideas so far." Kai finished counting and looked up at Christina who nodded thoughtfully.
"And we also have five things we want to do when we are in certain cities." Kai concluded.
Once again Christina nodded. "Great. At our next stop on tour we'll go shopping to get the prank supplies."
  Kai folded the list and opened her purse. Suddenly the boys came in and the girl's eyes widened as Kai stuffed it in.
  They all stared, suspicious.
  "What are you two up to?" Zach questioned.
  The girls looked at each other then back at the boys. In unison they replied, "Nothing."
  The guys shrugged it off but Zach was still suspicious. Once the boys left the room to get ready for Limelight, Zach stayed behind.
  He pointed a finger at each of them before clapping his hands together. "Spill."
  Kai sighed as Christina urged her to tell him. "We wanted to prank you guys." Kai stated.
  "Well, I am the king of pranks so may I be added to the pranksters list?" Zach raised an eyebrow.
  Christina shrugged, considering it. She turned to Kai. "He has done many good pranks in the past. Corbyn tells me about them all the time. It could be helpful to have one if them on our side."
  "Yeah, whatever. But Zach." She paused as she stood up and walked to stand in front of him. "You have to pinky promise not to tell the others. Ok?"
  Zach nodded and linked his pinky with Kai's. "I swear I won't tell any of them. My lips are sealed." He pretended to zip his lips as the two girls chuckled.
  "You should probably head out now. Limelight starts in a few minutes." Christina informed him, looking at her watch.
  He scrambled out of the room and left the
girls laughing.


  As the boys performed the two adults backstage got changed into comfier clothes. Christina wore her boyfriend's white hoodie and a pear of black sweatpants while Kai wore her red hoodie and a pair of black leggings.
They had been filming a YouTube video for Christina's channel since they had become bored.
"Thank you chickees so much for watching and thanks to special guest star, Kai, for joining me! I'll see you in my next video!" Christina waved at the camera and stood up, ending the video.
"Jack will go wild if he sees that video. If he knows I had a secret boyfriend in my sophomore year he'll freak!" Kai chuckled.
"He needs to deal with it." Christina stated.
Kai began to pack up her blanket and pillows since the boys last song, I Don't Belong In This Club, was playing. They would be done soon and she wanted to get on the bus before the mob started. Christina seemed to understand what she was doing and stuffed her camera into her backpack.
"You all packed up?" Kai questioned, looking around the room.
"Yep, let's head to the bus." She answered as they began walking down the hall. Opening the door they were met with a hot breeze.
"I regret wearing a hoodie but it was cold in that room." Christina muttered, rolling up her sleeves.
"It's Vegas, probably about 100 at 10 P.M." Kai shook her head in disbelief. "Too hot for my liking."
Christina grunted in agreement as they got into the bus. Christina rolled her suitcase and stopped at the empty bunk beside Kai's.
Kai threw herself onto her bed and let out a deep breath. "Sometimes I wish I could just sleep forever."
Though Kai was chuckling, Christina's mind was full of thoughts swimming around.
Does she mean she wants to sleep forever as in die? She thought, concerned.
While Christina was worried, Kai was content and happy finally. She wasn't in the place she was in only a few weeks ago. And who would have thought her brother would have changed and she would have made so many friends.
Christina didn't want to make a big deal out of what Kai had said but thought it would be better to tell Jack, just in case.
So she did, once the boys had settled down and were on the bus Christina walked to Jack.
She fiddled with her hands nervously.
"Everything alright Chris? Did something happen? Did Kai offend you?" Jack worried.
Christina shook her head. "I'm probably overreacting but it's better to be safe. Before you guys got on the bus Kai flopped onto her bunk and said 'I wish I could sleep forever.' Now I know I'm probably overreacting because she seemed perfectly happy earlier but I'm being cautious."
The corners of Jack's mouth turned up. "She used to say that all the time but thank you for caring. I can already tell she really likes you so thank you for looking out for her."
Christina let out a huge sigh. "Thank goodness it was nothing. I was really panicking for a bit. And I really like Kai too." Christina said goodnight to Jack and headed to her bunk where her boyfriend stood, embracing her in a tight hug.
"Night bean." She said, her voice muffled in his chest.
"Goodnight Tina." He kissed her forehead before heading to his bunk and closing the curtain.

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