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|<The Noodle Chronicles>|

-=Chapter 3| Lost and Found=-

"Shit" Dylan curses finally noticing that he lost track of Greg. Why'd he have to get distracted now of all times. Hearing sirens from the direction he had come from caused shivers to fly down his spine.

Thinking of his possible options he decided it was best to sit in the park I mean he was already here anyway, Greg would know how to get there right? ...Right? Crouching down he, laid his arms on his knees and then buried his face in his arms. Slowly reality seeped in again causing him to question his choices, he knew nothing about Greg nor did the guy have a reason to help him. So why did he? Does he have an alternative motive, overly nice? Or just incredibly stupid?

He was grateful though, Greg was the first person to show him kindness since this shit happened to him. In the end this always falls back on his parents, sure it could've been his fault too, but his memories from before the incident were cloudy and unclear. "...why did this have to happen to me" he felt tears well up in the corner of his eyes.

Ever since he got these cursed arms his life went to hell, the tears broke free from their prison behind the eyelids and slid down his cheeks as memories of other peoples words flooded his mind. Monster, freak. In the end it always came back to the arms, be couldn't be judged by his personality, no only by his appearance. Thats just how life is though right? Does it have to be like this? "I hate this, fucking damn it, someone tell me why it had to be me"


Greg panted as he reached the street the alleyway was in, however his movements froze as he saw the police cars around the area. He felt his heart thump harshly in his chest, he needed to find Dylan sooner rather then later. Worry laced his brown orbs as he pushed on. The wind harshly picked up, causing Greg's hair to whip around into his eyes making him squint to help the irritation subside.

If the police are surrounding the place they first met then where would he go? Despite wracking his brain for an answer he came up with nothing. He furrows his eyebrows in frustration, how could it be this difficult to find someone like him. He was unique, different maybe a little stupid, but he caught Greg's attention with ease, killing that guy with something that only Dylan can possess.

Pulling out his phone, he presses the on button and tapped in the passcode which gives him entry into the smartphone device. Opening the maps app he looks at areas nearby, stopping once his eyes settle on a specific place. The park how could've he forgotten, despite being so intelligent he felt so dumb at times. Deciding it'd be less suspicious to walk by the police rather then run he pushes off in search for Dylan.


The wind rustled the leaves of the tree, the grass dancing through the invisible force. Life continued yet for Dylan it was if time had stopped, his chest hurt, the pain that had built up over time was finally showing itself. All he wanted to do was cry and cry, he paid no attention to the rain that had once again started blasting down relentlessly.

He trembled unknowingly as the water drenched his clothes forcing him, making him colder. The clothes only lowered his mind further, his mind an unimaginable void. He was scared of himself and others, he killed someone without even blinking an eye and guilt had seeped into his heart. Deep down he longed for acceptance, then his thoughts once again came back to him, Greg. Would he really come looking for him? Did he have a chance to be accepted if he found him? Thats all he wanted. Dylan's tears warmed his face.


Dylan instantly snapped out of his void, he lifted his head out of his soaked arms. The scene before him seemed like something that could only happen in a movie, the sun bore through the clouds which were allowing small insignificant drops of vapour onto his face. The silhouette of a male looking down at him, Dylan felt more tears roll down his face as his eyes focused, Greg. He came back for him, maybe just maybe there was a chance he would accept him. Greg's brown hair a mess, his mouth gaped open as he panted a little, his brown eyes buried in concern.

"Are you okay?" Greg asks while trying to compose himself. Dylan shakes his head a little, "You came back to look for me...?" He voice holding some doubt. Greg nods hesitantly, he was caught of guard by Dylan's current state, he never would've thought he would break down like this. The brown eyed boy locked his gaze with the other males glazed hazel eyes. The whites of Dylan's eye was pinkish.

Greg didn't know what to do, he was never emotionally connected to people sure he had friends but they were all online, people in real life had never really seemed worthy of his time. Taking a guess at his next move, he kneels down before Dylan, he bit his lip a little, cringing at his own actions and his next decision. Forcing himself to keep composure, he wraps his arms around the younger males hunched form, pulling him into a hug.

Dylan's widen at Greg's sudden embrace, he squeezes his eyes shut, allowing the tears to stream down his face. Dylan's knees fall forwards, allowing him to embrace Greg back. Tears dripped onto the older males uniform, he felt his heart thump through his chest as his head laid on Greg's shoulder, exhaustion slowly creeping up on him.

Greg feels his face heat up at Dylan's choice to not only accept the embrace but to return it, he feels his own heart beat start to race. After a minute of the embrace, Greg finally notices that Dylan had passed out in his arms. "Fuck" he curses, knowing he'd have to carry him home. Picking Dylan up, he struggles slightly by Dylan's weight. He lets out a tired sigh, before looking up at the orange and pink clouded setting sky. "This has been a long day..." he mutters as he starts his journey home with Dylan in his arms, a small smile finding its way onto his lips.

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