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|<The Noodle Chronicles>|

-=Chapter 4| Cute Fluff ball=-

Dylan groaned as he stirred from his sleep, the feeling of a rough tongue constantly licking his cheek causing him to cringe. Opening his eyes his hazel orbs land on light blue ones, white paws placed on the couch in front of him. "What?" He questions confused by the appearance of the dog.

Pushing himself up he looks around, he was currently on a pale beige sofa under a light blue blanket, in front of the couch was a round glass coffee table which had a few books and a vase of orchids sitting on it. A decently sized TV sat on a varnished oak set of cabinets,with a fluffy cream blanket laid by the sofa.

The rest of the room was an open plan and he was in the living room part. Behind the couch sat the kitchen with a hallway through the wall between the living room and kitchen, it was nicely made; white cupboards with black marble surfaces and an island in the middle. Opposite the hallway was what looked to be the front door and to the left of that a dining area with a table and four chairs.

"How did I get here? ...And more importantly where is here?" Dylan mumbles as he looked around. The dog growing impatient with Dylan's lack of attention, starts releasing loud yaps causing the boy to jump and start to panic. "No no shh it's okay" He says as he waves his hands frantically.

"Floofy?" A tired voice from the hallway calls, the steps cause the wooden floors to creak. This results in Dylan's heart rate to slowly increase in anticipation as the steps get closer. As Greg pokes his head around the corner, Dylan releases the breath he didn't even know he was holding. "Oh you're finally awake" Greg says blankly.

Dylan slowly nods his head, he was still slightly suspicious of Greg. "Where are we?" Dylan asks, to which Greg shrugs "Hell?" He responds trying to lighten the mood with a slightly pathetic attempt of a joke. Dylan gives Greg a blank look, clearly showing his lack of amusement on his face causing Greg to break out in a cold sweat as he shifted in the now awkward atmosphere.

"Seriously where are we?" Dylan asks again with a slightly more demanding tone. "My apartment, where else?" Greg says as he moves out from behind the wall and towards Dylan causing the younger males heart to race more. Just as Dylan was going to reply the dog yapped again before jumping onto Dylan, making a smile form on the boys once serious face.

Greg also feels a smile forming on his lips, he couldn't get that image out of his head after all. The sight of seeing Dylan crack under whatever had happened to him, yet seeing him finally smile made him happy.

The brown eyed male knowing this now pleasant silence was soon to end. "Want a drink Dylan?" Greg asks, causing the younger male to look up at him, head slightly tilted. This time it was Greg's turn to feel his heart rate increase, feeling his heart race he swiftly turns and walks towards the kitchen to hide the slowly reddening hue on his face.

"Uh waters fine?" Dylan replies with more a question then a reply, confusion soaked his voice. Greg nods, his back still to the hazel eyed boy. He grabs the glass out one of the red doored cupboard and carries it over to the sink, lowing it down below the tap before turning it on allowing the gushing water to fall into the glass.

"So..." Greg starts after he turns the tap off, gaining Dylan's attention. "Why were you... out there anyway?" He asks, knowing it's probably not best to bring up the breakdown. Dylan feels his eyes narrow at Greg's form, he still didn't know whether or not he could trust this guy.

Greg takes note of the lack of response and tensioning atmosphere. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" Greg adds. Dylan turns away from the other male and places his attention on the large ball of fluff next to him, who was getting frustrated at the lack of attention she was getting.

"What did you say the dogs name is" Dylan asks trying to change the subject. Greg finally decides to bring the water over to Dylan. "Her name is Floofy" Greg states, smiling a little as her ears twitch and her tail starts to wag at the mention of her name. Dylan feels his eyes widen, "Floofy seriously?" He asks with the tone dripping in 'Are you serious'.

"Whats wrong with Floofy?" Greg asks honestly confused. Dylan shrugs a smile on his face again as he strokes Floofy's fluffy head. Greg reaches the sofa and places the glass on the coffee table. "I doubt the sofas comfortable so want to take the guest room?" Greg asks, as he shifts from foot to foot awaiting Dylan's answer.

Dylan looks up at Greg "You serious?" He asks doubtfully, theres no way someone is this nice without something to gain. Greg shrugs, "Want it or not?" He asks again as he makes his way towards the hallway,.

"Alright I'll take it." Throwing the blanket aside and getting up after his answer, Dylan follows Greg into the hallway. Greg opens the dark wooden door with a white frame, which contrasts with the light colour of the walls.

Pushing the door open, Greg enters with Dylan close behind. The walls a sunset yellowish orange, the bed light red with a dark bed frame and a PC on a red desk on the opposite wall along with a wardrobe and a dresser. A mirror was on the wall above the dresser, and several paintings littered the walls. While a white carpet sat on the light creamy wooden floor.

"This'll be where I stay?" Dylan asks in disbelief. Greg hums in reply "Usually my sister stays in here but she isn't here so you can have it for how long you need." Greg states, his sister would probably butcher him if she found out he is letting a stranger stay in his apartment. "I'll leave you to get accustomed here I guess" Greg says as he takes his leave" Dylan sighs and falls back onto the bed, one major thought plaguing his mind.

"Can I trust him."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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