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Confused, angry and a little terrified of his anger, I ran up the stairs of Volkov Manor. The lump in my throat rose up threatening to choke me, make me cry so hard that I threw up. The newly formed knot in my stomach, was rapidly growing larger. I ran up the stairs after him taking two steps at a time but he had a headstart and with my slightly blurred eyesight he was faster. I called his name but was ignored.

I heard the door of his room snap shut. I ran up the last flight of stairs and knocked softly on his door. “Vladimir?” I called but I recieved no response. I knocked again. There was shuffling from inside the room. And then the sound of something being thrown at the door. The glass smashed upon impact, most probably into a million pieces like my heart was breaking down into right now.

“Go away!” he shouted from inside. “Just leave me alone.”

“Vlad please, at least listen to me. It is really not what it looked like.” I tried to explain but the door remained closed. There was no response. “At least open the door. Let me talk to you. Let me explain myself, please.”

“I know what I saw. I don't need your bloody explanations.” he yelled at the top of his volume.

“At least let me in, Vladimir. Please.” I pleaded with him. There was no response. Other than some more glass breaking.

“Please, Mir. At least hear me out. Let me explain.” I tried to make him understand.

“Just leave, Shine. Go away.” he said calmly from inside. I sighed.

“Alohomora.” I tried the simplest spell. It obviously didn't work. I tried a  string of other spells and incantations for the next fifteen minutes, but none of them worked. “You open the door now or I will blast it down, Vladimir.” I warned but I still earned no response.

“Confringo.” I finally said, waving my wand and pointing it at the  door. The knob blew up to dust and the door flew open. He sat up straight on his bed, his eyes rimmed red. The dark circles under his eyes were clearly visible. The pack of cigarettes lay by his feet. He blew up a ring of smoke in the air and gazed over away from me. Only for a moment did my gaze linger over his shirtless form before I looked back up at his face.

“What do you want?” he sneered up at me.

“It was not what you think you saw.” I replied moving carefully around the mess of broken glass, closer to the bed. “I did not kiss him.”

“Really? It must have been Trixie then. She glued your lips together, did she?” he snorted. I shook my head no. “Don't lie, Shine. It sounded like you were moaning in pleasure to me, pulling him in, playing with his hair, his hand trailing up your body... What was that then?”

“He forced me, Vlad.” I told him the truth. He snorted.

“I trust my brother. I know him. He's not the kind of person to do such a thing.” he retorted crossing his arms.

“You are implying that I am a liar.” I whispered. I was hurt obviously that he would trust his brother more than me when I was actually yelling the truth.

“Obviously, I am not implying that. I am saying it. You are a lying, conniving, highly manipulative bitch and I don't know why I ever loved a slut like you! I don't know why I concerned myself so much over your rape. Maybe you were used to it. Maybe you even enjoyed it. You did, didn't you?” he sneered. I was too shocked to respond but my shock was rapidly turning to anger.

“At least Marina is better than you in that department. That girl has everything, she looks better than you, is pureblood, loves me, is not a slut and most importantly has never tried to kill me! I really need to go say sorry and beg her for another chance at us. I don't know how I was so blind to this side of you!” he got off the bed hissing in a low whisper.

Shine Snape and the Death CheaterWhere stories live. Discover now