17) A Promise is a Promise

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Just realized I could write from a phone lol-

Also my senior friend from Gym class just suddenly left and it's the equivalent of someone saying they'll log back onto Minecraft tomorrow but then never coming back.


Varian and (Y/N) rumbled around in the dry autumn leaves with glee. Their eight year old minds only thinking of the amount of fun they were having together.

They rolled down a green hill speckled with red, yellow, and orange hues and made it to the bottom, giggling with great excitement. Their childish giggles stopped as soon as Quirin called Varian over to go home. Varian sighed.

"I wish we could stay together forever, just like this." He said dreamily, sitting up.

"Me too." (Y/N) said sadly. "I never want it to end."

They walked over to Quirin and said their goodbyes. (Y/N) went home with a tightness in her chest once again. She didn't know why she felt like this every time her and Varian went their seperate ways. She just... Couldn't help it.

The next day, they meet under the same tree that they always met up at. Varian came up to (Y/N) with a happy, almost sly look in his eyes.

"...what?" (Y/N) asked when the staring got a bit much.

"I figured out a way for us to be together forever!"

"Woah! Really!? How?" (Y/N) gave Varian all of her attention. He pulled out a tiny wooden box and got down on one knee. He opened the box to reveal a ring made of wire and a fake jewel glued on top.

"We have to marry each other!" He beamed, thinking he was so clever. (Y/N) laughed.

"Okay!" She took the ring and pushed it onto her little fingers. The ring was far to big for her, but she made it work. "So are we married now?"

Varian shrugged. "That's how my mommy and daddy did it, and they've been together forever."

"Mine too. Hey, we should show your dad!"

Varian's eyes lit up. "Yeah yeah yeah!! Let's show him!"

They quickly ran over to the nearby park bench that Quirin and Varian's mother sat at whenever they played.

"Daddy look! (Y/N) and me are married! Just like you and mommy!"

"W-what???" He looked at Varian puzzled. (Y/N) showed off her ring with pride. Varian's mother (we're calling her Vanessa) held the girl's hand in hers and looked at the ring. She laughed.

"This is what you were working on all day yesterday?" She asked Varian. He nodded excitedly.

"You guys are a bit... Young to get married." Quirin picked up Varian and put him in his lap. Vanessa did the same to (Y/N).

"Yeah, you guys have to make sure you love each other before committing to something like marriage." She informed the wonders.

"But, I do love (Y/N)!"

"And I love Varian!"

The two adults nervously laughed.

"A different kind of love, kids." Quirin told them. They sighed and leaped off of their laps, walking sadly towards the old tree.

"Well, that was a fail." Varian sighed and slumped down against the tree.

"Yeah... Hey!" (Y/N) said brightly. "They said we were too young! How about we get married when we're all old and wrinkly like them!"

"Yeah! When we're... Sixteen!!!"

"Yeah!" They giggled and hugged each other. (Y/N) put out her Pinky and Varian his. They wrapped around each other tightly.

And so, a promise was made.
(Y/N) opened her front door and gasped lightly.

"Happy Sixteenth birthday, (Y/N)!" Varian said excitedly, holding a perfectly wrapped present.

"Awww you remembered!" (Y/N) held her hand up to her heart.

"Of course! Especially because of a... Certain promise." He said slyly.

"...Whaaat are you talking about?"

"I'll tell you if you follow me." He held out his hand. She grabbed it hesitantly and followed him. They trudged up a hill and walked to an old tree. (Y/N) gasped.

"So you remember this place, right?" Varian smiled and bit his lip.

"How could I forget? It's where we always played space pirates." She smiled and sat down against the tree. Varian sat with her.

"So... I got you a present."

"I can tell."

"Watch it, (L/N)." Varian pointed at her jokingly. She rolled her eyes. He gave her the present. She unwrapped it.

"A small black box. Gee thanks!" She said sarcastically.

"Don't judge a book by its cover." He gently grabbed the box and held it between his hands. He got on one knee. (Y/N) blushed.

"(Y/N) (L/N), I remember that under this exact tree, I proposed to you and said that when we're both sixteen, we shall marry. Do you still accept this offer?

(Y/N) laughed. "You know how old we were when we said that? We were like, eight."

"That's not what I asked." Varian smirked. "Don't try to change the subject."

(Y/N) sighed dramatically. "Okay, I guess I'll marry you or something." Varian pumped his fist and slid the ring onto (Y/N)'s finger. The large bismuth shined in the sun's beams. She touched it lightly, admiring it's beauty.

"I see you like it." Varian smiled.

"I do."

"Made it myself"

"I can tell."

Varian leaned against the tree and (Y/N) followed suit. She leaned her head into his shoulder and gazed at the falling leaves. He snaked his arm around her and pulled her closer.

"Are you having a good birthday so far?" He asked her. She admired the ring once more and smiled.

"Best birthday yet."



"You realize we're not actually engaged right?" She asked and looked at him.

"I know I know."

"And that we're just friends?"

"Well, the position we're in right now begs to differ."

She hit him in the chest weakly. He rubbed where she hit him and smiled.

"You'll come around, (Y/N). After all,"

He kissed her head.

"A promise is a promise."


Sorry for a short one tho 😬

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