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Hey, guys, I'm so sorry that this took me so long. I'm so so sorry pleas for giving me and all. I have been bize at school and othering that have been going on so please forgive me. My lovely fans for everything hope you enjoy chapter 3. 

Green Poncho's P.O.V.

Y/N has been avoiding me for 3 weeks now, since that day we kissed. She won't even talk to me. She well just stet there and will not say when. PJ, Craig, and Kelsey bring her along, or when they try to get her out of her house, or the tree stump that they stay in sometimes. I wish I knew what I did to deserve this. I loved Y/N since the first day we met. I just wish I knew what did to diver this. Well, I have to get back to work.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I have been avoiding Archer for well now, because of that kiss. I just wish I can till Archer that I love him, but I can't in which it is complicated to me I guess. whenever you try to talk to me I try to speak but I lose my voice, and I freeze up like a block of ice that is frozen in Antarctica in the freezing water. I was outside with my family's Garden and I was sitting on the ground.

I turn on my phone and put earbuds on, I got off of the ground and started dancing on the tip of my shoes like a ballet dancer. I started to sing, but what I didn't rise was that all the kids of the creek or watching me.

Play the song.

As I stop sing everyone was watching me there from the creek especially the rich kids. I did not know what to say I was frozen there like a statue my heart was pumping fast I didn't know what to do so I just ran and ran. until I got to my room I close the door and slid down my door. I don't know how long I was sitting there until I heard a knock at my bedroom door window. it was Archer I couldn't face him, just I couldn't not now it lest. But instead of keep on disagreeing in my mind, I opened the window and he hopped into my room.

Y/N I herd what happen are you ok, said Archer with a worried look on his face.

N/Y is bolded.

Archer is underlined.

Yeah, I'm Fine.

No your not fine your crying.

Ok, I'm not ok the reason I did not want to sing is that I. I... I have stage fright.


I'm scared of singing on stage in front of millions of people. I know it sounds childish.

It's not your perfect just the way you are.

You think so.

I now so, because you what good thing is?


Because I get to see your face all the time and get to tell you that you're beautiful.

Okay, that was Abby too cheesy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Another good thing is that you're talking to me again.

I am too, I'm sorry if I haven't been avoiding you.

There's no need to apologize.

Suddenly, we kiss again by did not pull away this time, I keep into the kiss and smiled into it. I guess this was my happily ever after this was finally my fairytale ending no one else's but mine but my story with, archer.


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