One game

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I didn't want to leave, but after I saw (Y/N) start to bleed out I told her to head back, and soon after she limped off into the bushes I hear the voice of that Dwight boy from my first game. I sigh and look down to the sleeping baby.

I scope it up and carry it back to my cabin, everyone was gathering around the campfire to start their meals. I push open the door with my foot and gently place the bird on my mattress. I strap my mask to my side and shut the door behind me.

"Nice of you to join us!"

I chuckle as The Trapper toses me my meal from the box.

Once we were done we would all head back to our cabins to see if we gained any perks or objects from the bloodpoints we would've gained from today. I only played one match so I wasn't expecting much.

I enter the Cabin first and head straight to my bed, the bird still sleeping soundly on top of the covers. I frown, all that was on my bed was an aged key. A small brown key?

"Hey for one game I seemed to earn some rhubarb and custards!"

Joe shakes his head as Susie starts to stuff her face with sweets. I examine the key confused,

"What on earth is that for!?"

I look up as Julie watches from across.

"Looks like a key,"

Susie says hanging upside down from her bunk bed ladder. Joe rolls his eye as he climbed up the boys bed ladder,

"No shit,"

I smile as Susie sticks out her tounge at him. I tuck the key in my jacket pocket and button it up.

"Maybe you can go see (Y/N) with it,"

Susie says now swinging from the bars,

"If so take me with you sometime!"


"Who's (Y/N)?"

I lay down on my bed, face flushed.


I turn and grin at my friends.

"Care to explain?"

Julie says unzipping her hoodie to get changed into her pyjamas, I shrug,

"Not particularly,"

I laugh as Joe's head pops out from above,

"Come on man, spill,"

"I'm still here just getting changed,"


The girls shut their curtains which separated their beds from the whole cabin. I just take off my boots and socks, I tuck my hoodie under my pillow and pull off my shirt, I try not to get distracted by the countless scars which traced across my body.

"I'm still here remember! Spill!"

I laugh as I lay on my hands,

"Fine, just..."

"It's going to be hard on him guys, so don't be too harsh,"

Susie says ripping open her curtain, I grin at her pink heart pyjamas which matched her neon pink hair.

"I won't say I word,"

Joe says making the bed creek from above.

"It's about a survivor."

The bed suddenly stops creeking, Julie's curtains fly open,


I bite my lip, I take a few breaths to gain so courage, here goes...



I was in complete shock when I found (Y/N) limping toward me, covered in her own blood.

As soon as we made past the tree line the whole camp was on David and Meg, Claudette set out with me to find (Y/N) when David came back apologizing. Once Claudette saw the bloody mess she raced back to camp to inform everyone to help get med kits.

"Oh my gods are you okay!?"

Nea ask sprinting toward us, I huff as I try and lift (Y/N)'s arm around my neck, Nea grabs her waist and we carry her to the main cabin.

Inside where a couple survivors to help heal (Y/N), Claudette too in case things went south. Nea and I hand over (Y/N) to the Tap and Ace.

I feel Nea's hand on my back and she helps direct me out of the room.

I hope she's ok.


A/N: when I was typing this I was listening to Eminem,'When I'm gone.' For some reason it made me sad as I wrote it, I felt that little speech fits with the song, check it out.



Today was the day, the day the barrier came down, the sky seemed to be brighter than normal, which confused some killers.

When we entered the main campfire we found a message telling us that there was to be one game till the barriers dropped.

It seemed half of the killer's didn't even know we were right next door to the survivors, several were pumped, while others seemed un-bothered and said they would just chill here. I didn't blame them, I probably would too if I didn't have someone to protect.

The other Legions were in shock of once I told them about the girl. Julie was like Susie and thought it was cute and romantic, while Joe remained silent. Later I found out it was because he was hurt I didn't tell him in the first place. He understood why but said if any shit happens he was the first one I would tell. No buts.

The killer's were buzzing about who would be playing the last game, I prayed it wouldn't be me, but recently I've been the Entity's favourite.

"I didn't even know this barrier this existed!"

Huntress says, The Doctor chuckles,

"Neither did I Anne."

I groan as black smoke forms around my feet yet again, I quickly grab my mask and slip it on,

"Oi Frank here!"

Joe tosses me his pair of hard worn gloves, they allowed us to have iron grip, which ment the hunt had to struggle for longer while we carried them. I wave a thanks as I evaporate and 're appear in 'Nightmare on Elms Street.'

I take in several deep breaths and beg that (Y/N) wasn't in this final game to mayhem, she needed to heal.

The howl of the wolf tells us the hunt had begun, I push everything aside and begin my feast, a smile spreads across my face, even beneath the mask, I loved this game.


A/N: Dont ask why there was three chapters in one day... I had too much time. Though I'm kinda hopeing that because I did so I won't have to on the weekends, right? I hope so 😅

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