Melissa Powerful Players

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Melissa Vanderpump had in her left had were a glass of Bourgogne Blance. When she had a drink, she had a great pleasure of a wine taste.

The thing was, whenever Melissa became nerous things happened - like she was once at a garden restauruant sitting in a chair, suddenly the plates that were on his arm fell in front of Melissa's dress. "Fucking christ." She complained, while her older cousin Jessica was looking down at the poor waiter, and who was sitting oppersite her. With her great and youth body posture, men were looking in each direction, and was utterly flawless. She took a sip from her wine glass and token a glance at the male waiter. He saw him picking up the pieces of the broken plates, and taking it back were it was needed to be. "Well, from far what I can see, that this is a money's curse." She wishpered, as she lifted her up with her plams outwards."Darling, whatever it is, I haven't touched a thing, that's a guarantee." Jessica said. From her voice that all the truth and nothing but the truth, yes, she is ever so truthful with Melissa, and she knew her totally.

Melissa could feel the pain that is inside her. She's had it since she was a child, and it's alwalys stayed there, the last thing that she needed was anyone knowing it, and she kept it to herslef.  "Yeah, I know it wasn;t you, and don't go on." She said. For a moment Mellisa felt like going drink silly, but no, she wanted to stay clam and control, that to her would be to much effort to do. This is a drink for the evening, and this place is like being transported into Tuscany, she not going to set her cousin's hair on fire, nothing extreme like that, my bitcheyness is not going that far. No, not for a relative that stays behined her at all times, they have there backs no matter what.

They talked about everything. Yet Jessica would be understandable than anyone else that she knew. Again, she wouldn't need another family members to tell her what do, that would give her not any inderpendance.

Melissa was here for a reason with Jessica, but mostly these girls were here just to gossip, girls will be girls. All the capable and beatufuil ladies of California, who looks tidy and hasn't been under the plastic surgeon knife, and single and strong. There  had alaways been grand in thier lives, and it is beatfuil how the things work. Melissa had been brought up well, and she has never done anything compleltly bad. She was a good girl, a daddy's girl, that type of girl.

When Melissa had moved to Califorina? Not so long ago and yet everyone knew who she was, the name of the game is to be succesful, the divine beatuy that she is, many glances came from the patrons after this is L.A. The histroy of the Vanderpump family that everyone knew about was the glaamorisation of it all, and how grand they were, and these girls and family knew that being at social events whenever it be a poictal party or an informal event the family knew it all, allthrough nobody knew them that much, they only knew bt the succes that they'd endeavoured. Money was kingdom.

Melissa didn't even care to know what others are to do, it's there live not mine. Of course the mintue that her family had arrived in tinsletown they know thier matrial would be big like no other. Melissa hasn't seduced a man, but she would think first they talk rather about thier peines, rather than what they wanted. If any man says they don't? There obviously lying to you, she hasn't got time for that. Jessica looked at her directly.                                                                                                                                  "Waiter, darling." She said.                                                                                                                                      "Yes I know."

The waiter was walking around the garden resruant, picking up leftover cookery items. As them both suryvered doing his job. Melissa woroked at a Hollywood restaurant called Villa Blanca, and they jad ulimate style as if you were metting the Queen for tea, and the owner of that restuarant had others spreaded around in Hollywood, thank you very much, they only knew by the success that they’d endeavoured. Money was there kingdom.

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