Holy Shit He's Hot

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Seventeen years later and Jack is meeting his new roommate. Rian Hatter.

"Hello!" Says the stranger as he falls from the ceiling. "You must be Jack! I'm Rian."

The shorter man wears a large top hat much like his father's but cleaner and a shade of dark blue. He wears a fancy coat with holes in the elbow of each sleeve and a shirt with red and black checkers on one side and blue and white polka dots on the other. His skinny jeans are bright orange and his shoes are the same green as his coat.

"It's nice to meet you," Jack says, bearing his usual button up black shirt and red jeans. "I like your shirt," he says to this almost stranger.
"Thank you! I hope you don't mind, but I already picked my bunk." He points to the multicolored disaster side of the room. "I hope you don't mind the bright colors. They remind me of home."
"It's a nice change of scenery," Jack says, setting his stuff down. A few of his mother's servants walk in to help him get settled in.

"So you're the gay prince, right? The first to be betrothed to another man?"
"The first is actually whoever this Alex guy is," Jack corrects. "I haven't met him yet."
"You haven't met the man you're betrothed to?" Rian gasps. "That's horrible!"
"I'm supposed to meet him today."
"I guess that makes sense." Rian thinks for a moment. "Is he Alex Charming?"
"Yeah. Do you know him?"
"No but my dad gave his father a cup of tea at an unbirthday party."
"A what?"
"Long story. Come on, I know what he looks like we can go look for him while they set up!"

Jack shrugs and follows his roommate out of the dorm and into the hall where a bunch of other boys are goofing off.

Some of them stop to stare but only until Jack has past them.
Jack is used to this by now. He's not the most evil of evil, but he is betrothed to another boy and that in itself is enough to evoke hatred from his peers.

Down near the lockers Jack hears a familiar, horrid voice.
"Well if it isn't the little fag," Says Ronnie Queen. "I'm surprised you're actually even at this school. I thought your mommy was going to homeschool you until your wedding day."
"Fuck off, Ronnie," Jack shrugs him off and keeps walking but then Ronnie pushes him up against the lockers.
"You and your little boyfriend are going to put me in jail, ya know. Might as well fuck up your lives before I'm convicted of treason."

"Maybe you should pick on someone your own species!" Rian calls from behind the bully. "There's probably another oaf somewhere around here."
"You better watch your mouth, shortstack-"

"Hey!" A voice that Jack hadn't heard before calls. "No one wants your shit, Ronnie. Back the fuck off."
Ronnie grins at the stranger Jack can't see. "Oh yeah? And what's a fairy like you going to do about it?"
"Have you met my friend, Zack?" Asks the stranger as a guy begins to grow to the height of the grand hall ceiling. "Because he's never lost a fight. Ever."

Ronnie backs away and lets Jack fall to the ground. "I was just gonna rough him up a little."
"Get the hell out of here," says the stranger. Ronnie stalks off and Zack shrinks back to human size.

The first kid runs over to where Jack is lying in a heap on the floor. "Shit, man, are you okay?"
"Yeah. I've known that guy for years." Jack groans as he tries to at least force himself into a sitting position. "Evil queen's kid has to be evil I guess." Jack sighs and looks over at the stranger for the first time and nearly gasps.

The boy has mousy brown hair and large, dark eyes that shine in the light. He has large eyebrows and soft features and a stupid grin that sends the butterflies in Jack's stomach into a panic.

"It's gotta be worse for you since you're Snow's kid. Sworn enemies at birth sounds like a shit show."
Jack nods. The other guy stands up and holds out a hand to help Jack up. "I'm Alex," says the guy. "Nice to finally meet you."

Jack gapes at him, completely shocked. This is Alex Charming? The guy he's supposed to marry? Did Jack win the lottery?

Alex laughs and Jack feels the panicked butterflies begin doing backflips where his heart should be. "Did he break your leg or something?" Alex asks. "Come on, dinner is gonna start soon."

Jack takes Alex's hand and allows the prince to help him up.

"Cool hair," Alex says, staring at the blond stripe in Jack's spiked hair/emo fringe.
"Uh, Thanks. You too."
Alex smiles. "My dad said we have all our classes together. I can help you study if you want. I heard you kinda suck at English."
"Where'd you hear that?"
"Your mom asked my dad if I could help you a few weeks back."

Alex grabs Jack's hand, looking over at where Rian and Zack are talking. "Let's go to the dining hall and try to sneak some snacks," Alex says, tugging on Jack's arm. "I'm starving."

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