Im Not Awake (Yeah I Was In The Dark, and Now Im In a Park, With My Cousin Mark-

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The stairs are too short, too steep, and too close together. Alex feels like he's going to trip and break his ankle at any moment, but he needs to make his way up these stairs.

Jack is here, he can feel it.

He's maybe halfway to the top now, he knees ache with every step because the stairs are so fucked. The torches aren't bright enough to light the way very well, so it's hell trying to make it up the stairs both quickly and safely. Alex eventually decides it safer to go up the stairs in all fours. At least now he can feel where he's going.

It takes forever to finally reach the top, but the door in front of him is locked. The group shouldn't have split up. He could really use Rian's assistance right now. Or Avril's backpack full of random shit. Maybe she has a lock pick in there.

Deciding he has no other choice, Alex backs away from the door, then runs full force into it, pounding against the door with his shoulder.

He curses when the door doesn't burst open.

He tries again and again and again.

"Jack!" Alex calls when he's finally worn himself out. "Jacky!"
Alex leans his forehead against the door, sliding down to his knees as hot tears threaten to fall down his face.

"Jack, I'm here," he calls. "I made it. It's going to be okay."


In Jack's frantic search for Alex, he almost doesn't hear the pounding on the door.
Actually, he hadn't even noticed the door earlier.

He stares in awe as the door shakes with every thud. Then finally whatever was pounding on the door stops.

Jack waits patiently for something to happen.

"Jack!" Someone calls. A familiar voice. Alex. "Jacky!"

Jack freezes. No. No, Alex can't be here. That doesn't make any sense.

"Jack, I'm here," Alex calls from behind the door. "I made it. It's going to be okay."

"I-I can't get to you," Alex sounds desperate as Jack slowly steps toward the door. "The door... It's locked. Jack, wake up. Please."

Jack's... asleep?
He blinks. That can't be right. He stops in his tracks.

"Jack, I'm so close. I just can't get through the stupid door!"

There's another thud, much quiet this time. Likely just a fist colliding with the wood.

Jack takes another step forward. Alex sounds desperate, scared even.

"Jack, can you even hear me?"
Jack tries to answer, rushing to the closed door, but he can't make a sound. He can head the break in Alex's voice. It's so obvious he's crying. Jack just wants to comfort him, but he can't even speak.

"I-I love you, okay?" Alex says from behind the door. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise to be there when it happened. I-I didn't.... our parents, they-"

Jack suddenly recalls his mother telling him something.
"Our story dies with you."

He'd almost forgotten Jack's own parents betrayed him.

"I'm so sorry!"

It's then that Alex breaks into a sob. Jack can hear him so clearly, it hurts.

He tries to push the door open, but it's no use. It doesn't budge. Then Jack sees something strange.

The doors locked from the inside.

Jack's side.

His hand hovers over the lock, shaking as he wonders if this will even open the door.
Finally, Jack turns to lock, and the door swings open. There. It's Alex.

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