" Atoms eve. Life made manifest. .
Eve-olution behold!
Ive manifested gold in dark places.
The sun of man, The sun of god shines on dark faces.
Dark- light the same as the dark night
Satan has a thing for all races.
All minds, All spirits alike, n those different.
Charismatic,corageous, fearful, timid
Any of which can prossess its vision.
Behold The EGO, no two are without the One, but this self proclaimed hero. He steals from the poor to give to himself,
Steal forever more yet gain no wealth,
what in nature will strive with no help?
that which is present plans to rest.
We sleep while wide awake as if life is not at stake. "
Overstanders Manual The Explanation of everything
Spiritual" I would warn them like the prophets of old, yelling knowledge is gold , reflected on a mirror it reveals the seal of the soul, it took me when I was young , explain to you what I saw? Chess was played my eyes were still as it moved me like a pawn...