chapter 5.

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Lisa's pov

It's been a week since me and ti had our fight. She came to my room the next day to apologize, I forgave her because I couldn't stay mad at her. Today we where going ton the home coming game. Just me and Tionne no distractions.

Ti: lefty you want something?

Me: yeah

Ti: alright what?

Me: you

Ti looked at me and laughed. I know she wanted me as much as I wanted her, but we kept it cool because we were out in public. Nothing really mattered its just me and my girl. All thoughts about Sean were erased from my mind.

Ti: *kisses me* maybe later

Me: ugh fine I'm gonna go use the bathroom

I left and walked into the bathroom to see Ro.

Ro: oh hey Lisa, what are you doing here?

Me: hi Rozondilly and me and Ti came. How about you?

Ro: ehh I just got bored and somebody gave me there extra ticket, sean's here

She smirked

Me: me and him are just friends *laughs* nothing more

Ro: mhm let me find out, but where's your seats?

Me: row D seats 22 and 23

Ro: really? Wow mines is row B seat 20

We walked back to our seats and bumped into Sean. *sighs* lord knows why he's here he doesn't know anything about football.

Sean: hey Lisa!

Me: hi *walks past*

When I got to my seat I slid in front of Ti to get to my seat. When I sat down I saw a hand wave at me, it was Sean. Oh great....

Me: *waves back*

Ro: *looks up at me and mouths * better put that hand down before she catches you.

Me: *mouths* oh please, nothing zlich Nada is happing between us.

We continued watching the game until it was over Georgia 28 Georgia st. 12. After the game we went back to tionnes dorm, we talked about everything that happened.

Ti: Lisa I'm sorry for everything *looks at me*

Me: its okay baby I'm sorry for not telling you

Ti: I lo-

At that moment my phone vibrated at was pebbles "come to the studio."

Me: we have to go the studio Ti....

Ti: man why does she always have to ruin our alone time? I'm tired of her

Me: me too Ti *stands up*


Sean pov

After the game I cought up with Dallas and we went to the studio while he worked.

Then pebbles walked in. With her snake ass. I didn't know her that well but from what Lisa and Dallas tell me she's the devil dressed in Gucci.

Pebbles: hey sean how are you?

Me: I'm good.

Pebbles: that's good Sean, hey when you graduate there's a opening for a spot with the costume designs.

Me: hm *nods*

Dallas: *chuckles*

Then the girls walked in


Pebbles: Lisa! Dahling stop yelling!

Lisa put her middle finger up at pebbles when she turned her back

Lisa: hey Sean, wassup Dallas?

Me&Dallas: hey Lisa!

Tionne: Sean?!!

Lisa covered Ti's mouth and everything she said came out muffled.

Lisa: Ti- gco


Gco = gets cut off.


Don't mind the picture that's just my future wife xD

~ @JaydenLopes

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