Chapter 5

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Ava Paige-Sangster


 After days of strategically placed phone calls on some close investigators, Ava finally nailed down the rumour surrounding her son. The boy's name was Thomas O' Brien. She didn't think that an O' Brien would fall for Newt cause the only O' Briens she knew was Scottish Plastic O' Brien who made their money on the late eighties. Not exactly old money but at least of the solid families in Scotland. She knew the information was true but somehow couldn't believe it. She had spies everywhere.

It did not come to as a surprise for Ava that her son might have a new boyfriend. What surprised her was the time she had to find out the boy's name. Anyone could see that Newt was prime target number one, and for the past years there had been plenty of boys Newt hid from his mother. All of them were inconsequential in Ava's eyes, since she knew her son wasn't ready to get married yet. But this time, it's far different.

Ava plucked her phone from her pocket. She was always aback from hearing his 'American'. Ava preferred his British accent but she knows Newt would likely revert to it now that he's here. The strange thing was Newt never came to visit. She dialled her son's number. It took him a few seconds before picking up. "Where are you? Why haven't you visited me yet?"

The other line was loud and crazy up-beats came up. "Sorry Mum but I'm in a party," Newt answered.

"Where are you exactly?"

"Oh, I'm in Minho's bachelor party. In some private island," Newt answered.

"Newton, when are you coming home with that boyfriend of yours?" Ava asks fiercely. The other line went silent.

"Mum I'm just going to call you back later," with that Newt hanged up on his mother making Ava sitting in the balcony irritated.

She puts her phone down and thinks of another plan to get to know that boy without Newt knowing. An idea hit her. She quickly gets her phone and dials another number, this time the other line picked up quickly.

"Hey Mum!" Sonya said through the phone.

"Oh, Sonya my daughter, how are you? Your voice sounds sick."

"I'm okay here Mum I'm just with my cousin Teresa here at Paris." She was with Teresa since Ben was out doing something in Singapore and Teresa needed company. And since Sonya graduated college like five years ago and works for a branch of their company in Paris so she moved in with her cousin

"Oh, sorry I forgot you're in Paris."

"It's okay Mum I'm returning home soon since Minho's getting married and I'm invited," she explains.

"Oh, I'm calling because I'm asking something."

"What is it Mum?"

"Did you know your brother has a boyfriend?" she asks. The other line went silent like what Newt did.

"Sorry I didn't tell you but I promised Newt," Sonya explains. She met the boyfriend when she visited Newt last year, and Sonya and Thomas get along fine and they're so close like they are sisters or something.

"It's okay Hun but tell me everything about that Thomas."

"Promise me first that you won't do anything drastic?" Sonya asks knowing her own mother.


"Well he's in Harvard too and his 17-year old like Newt. He's quite sweet."

Ava think again. A boy same age with his son. Typical. How did this boy even get into Harvard? She thought.

"Oh interesting," she pretended like she was interested. "And? He's an O' Brien, right? Like the Swedish O' Briens?"

"He's from a normal family without a Dad though. I think he's not related to the Swedish O' Briens," Sonya answered.

"Oh, that's quite sad. But he has a Mum, right?" Ava asks trying not to grin.

"Yeah but as far as I know she's completely broke so Thomas has to have a part-time job," she elaborates. "He's very smart Mum, I know you'll like him."

That's the main reason why he's with Newt! Ava thought. That boy is broke.

"Oh, I hope he's the brainy type, like Newt."

"Yes, definitely. I was told he was the best in his major," Ava wondered what major was the boy with.

"And what major would that be?" Ava asks innocently.

"Oh, Psychology," she remembered. This was getting worse, and worse for Ava knowing how cunning, and manipulative a psychologist was.

"Okay Hun take care something came up," she said and immediately hangs up before her daughter could say anything. She crossed her legs and called somebody again. Why didn't she called her daughter immediately?

"Hun, we have a gold digger on our hands," she spoke to the other line.

"Huh? Honey what are you talking about?" the man on the other line questioned.

"Come on Hun just because you're in the middle of nowhere doesn't mean you didn't hear the news."

"Come Ava, let our son be," the man complained trying to calm his wife down even though he was miles and miles from her.

"Janson honey, I just want the best for our son," Ava explains herself. Janson sighs. He was far away from his wife. He was in Sydney, Australia doing business but now he was in the docks catching fish or maybe he'll catch Dory, Marlin, or even Nemo.

"Just don't hurt our son," Janson reminded.

Ava wondered how the evil American boy met his son. She tried to meditate to distract her from the upcoming threat, which she knows she will not back down without a fight, and a fight he'll get. If Thomas was cunning and deceptive, she was the whole package, and double, or triple that. 

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