Paper Bird Charm

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As enchanting as the Charms Classroom had been when he was eleven, Draco thought that it was really unsuitable as an eighteen-year-old with long legs. He was currently fighting for leg-room with Weaselbee in one of gaps that gave them access to the old-fashioned Choir Benches that lined the room. Neville was sat the other side of him, so squashed up, his knees were practically under his chin. Really, he should swap places with Neville but that would mean giving up to Weaselbee's legs which were pushing against his to try and gain ground. That was not something he was currently willing to do.

'Now, class,' Flitwick's voice pierced the general hubbub of the room. 'This term we will be looking at appearance changing charms that contribute to the "Glamour Spell". Who can tell me about Glamours?'

An excited hush fell around the classroom and, as to be expected, Hermione's hand shot into the air.

'Ms Granger?'

'A Glamour is an Advanced Level spell, not usually taught in schools. It was invented by Rosemary Rataclough in 1940 when she helped spy for the British during the Second Muggle World War to help adjust her appearance whenever she was within enemy territory. It is a complex mixture of multiple charms and transfiguration spells and is particularly difficult to master. Unlike Polyjuice potion the person casting the spell may choose their features and they are permanent until the spell is reversed. Normally a person can only change between their true appearance and one other because it is so difficult to cast on oneself. There have no official studies into the detriments of living under a Glamour, though it is suspected that after a substantial amount of time it may become difficult to regain one's original features or appearance of the person under the spell. Are you really going to teach us how to cast a Glamour, Professor?'

'Excellent, Ms Granger, yes, ten points to Gryffindor and all that. You are of course, absolutely right when you say it is a complex mixture of charms and transfiguration. And no, I shall not be teaching you how to cast a Glamour,' he ignored the round of groans from the year eights. 'Rather, you shall be leaning how to cast complex charms with multiple parts. For today's lesson,' and Flitwick waved his wand so that a box of pure-white feather Quills opened, and one was sent towards each student. 'You will be learning how to control the spell so that it only changes a specific element. I want you be able to change the colour of the feather, but the nib of the quill must stay gold. It is very important to learn how to keep specific elements of your object. Imagine with a Glamour: if you are changing the appearance of your nose - you don't want to end up rearranging your sinus cavities. Eventually, you will be able to master the spell so that the ink will change to a different colour to the feather too. Currently the ink contained within these Quills has no colour. Of course, the ultimate goal is to cast the spell wordlessly.'

Ron immediately said 'Substantia Obsidendam' and tapped his feather. The class stopped and watched in amazement as Weaselbee's Quill immediately turned bright red, with the nib remaining gold as requested.

How Gryffindor!

'Wow, Ron,' Neville leaned across Draco. 'How did you know how to do that.'

Ron shrugged, his voice flat as he spoke, 'I read about ages ago, for an idea I had in a different lifetime.'

'Very good, Mr Weasley, yes indeed, very good.' Flitwick was practically jumping up and down on top of his pile of books. 'Excellent, another ten points to Gryffindor, make it twenty if the ink has changed colour too.'

Draco immediately grabbed the Quill so Weaselbee couldn't cast another spell and unfurled a piece of parchment. He started to write and sure enough, the ink came out blue. Flitwick was clapping. There were a few open mouths around the room.

'Well. I have to admit, that's pretty impressive, Weaselbee,' Draco grinned at the red-head next to him. 'I never knew you had it in you.'

Ron threw him a scowl but Draco could see a little sense of pride too, especially as Hermione was proudly beaming across the room at him.

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