Seeker Games

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When Draco awoke in the morning, the first thing he did was groan. It felt as if a Hippogriff was sitting on his head, and his mouth felt as if, well, as if said Hippogriff had used it for a toilet.

'You'd best drink that,' came the voice from Harry's bed.

Draco turned his head gingerly; in case it fell off.

Harry was lying on his bed, fully clothed, including wearing his Quidditch boots. He was lying on his side, his elbow crooked and his head resting on the palm of his hand as he studied Draco. There was a book open beside him. Draco groaned again, the man was positively looking full of the joys of spring, even though it was autumn, and looked far too handsome for Draco to deal with at this time in the morning. What time was it, anyway?

There was a twinkle in Harry's eye. 'Drink up, one's a headache potion; the other, a hangover potion that Pansy's been handing round. The other's a black coffee, one sugar, that is how you like it, isn't it?'

Draco blinked, and winced. Someone had replaced his eyelids with sandpaper and turned the sun up: it was too bright in the room. He carefully pushed himself up into a sitting position and reached for Pansy's Hangover Potion. It was renowned in the Slytherin House. He was very grateful; people would give their right arm for one vial of the stuff after a heavy night of partying in the dungeons.

He looked down at his pyjamas confused. 'How did I... my pyjamas... get to bed... oh Merlin, did I do anything embarrassing?'

The twinkle in Harry's eye disappeared briefly and Draco's heart sank. What had he done? He remembered leaving the common room and drunkenly making his way up to the Astronomy tower. He swallowed down the Headache Potion in one gulp and reached for his coffee. 'How did I get back from the Astronomy Tower?'

'I carried you.'

'Did you put me to bed too?'


'Oh!' He couldn't remember, he really couldn't remember. 'Did I pass out?'

'Thankfully, not until I got you into your bed. When I found you, you were sitting on the edge of the tower.'


'It's probably best not to dwell on it, needless-to-say, I never want to find you like that again, it scared the living daylights out of me.'

'I never want to drink again. Were you sober?'


'Oh! Why? Did we talk about this, I think I remember something about this?'

'Yes, we briefly talked about it just before I accidently dropped your bottle of firewhiskey off the top of the tower.'

'Did you? How did that happen?'

'You handed it to me, it slipped through my fingers.'

'Oh!' Something didn't quite add up there for Draco, Harry didn't let things slip through his fingers, he was a Seeker for Merlin's sake. 'Did you drop it on purpose?'

'Something like that,' he said quietly, the corners of his mouth quirking in amusement. 'It was nearly empty anyway.'

'Oh! I can't remember.'

'That's because the bottle was nearly empty. It's probably best you can't remember.'

'Oh Merlin! That means I embarrassed myself. I didn't throw up over you, did I?'

'No,' Harry was smiling at him, that infuriating twinkle in his eye seemed to be increasing. 'So, I think it would be a good idea for you and me to play a Seeker's Game. To help you clear your head and get over your hangover.'

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