Bad Boggart

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Fungbury nodded to the two of them and gestured for them to take a seat in the deep sofa that rested against the wall under the window. 'I think we'll start with a cup of tea before we go any further, and I'll explain why I have, to a degree, singled you both out.'

Fungbury's office was surprisingly homely and showed no sign of any study against the dark arts apart from his collection of books on an ancient bookcase near his desk. He could only have been a Gryffindor, there was too much red for a Slytherin, though it was broken by a blue, green, and yellow tartan here and there. The room smelt pleasantly of log fires, black pepper and bergamot; manly, thought Draco.

Tea was poured and sweet biscuits offered around and Draco saw Harry begin to relax, though his jaw was still slightly tense and he hadn't spoken since they'd left the corridor outside the Great Hall.

Fungbury sat in the tartan armchair opposite them and prodded the fire back into life. 'Harry, Draco, you may be wondering why I've asked you to meet with me. As I mentioned at the time, later this term we will be revising dealing with Boggarts and casting Patronuses. There is a further reason. Harry, it is, without a doubt, obvious that you should be taking Advanced Defence against the Dark Arts this year, indeed, it seems rather a moot idea that you should be taking any exams in the subject, but needs must, and bureaucrats do like official bits of paper. So first, yes, I would like this to become a regular extracurricular lesson. I am happy for Draco to join us if you would like the company and I am aware of his capabilities, I have no worries about your ability, Draco, bar one aspect which we shall come to in a minute.'

Both men nodded in ascent, Harry looking first to Draco for reassurance that he would join them.

'Good, now we can move the time to one of your free periods so long as we all have a time that suits us.' And after some discussion they found that Tuesday and Friday mornings would suit all three of them the most.

'Now, with regards to Boggarts and Patronuses. I wanted to give you both the opportunity to revisit the Boggart under more a private situation, it is a chance I will be offering to everyone in year eight as, after the war, things may have changed dramatically and become extremely sensitive, if not triggering, for some students. I understand from Remus's notes, Harry, that your greatest fear was shown in the form of a Dementor, I am wondering if that might have changed, but if not, well, I have no concerns that you can deal with the situation quickly and efficiently. You will be expected to face a Boggart in your practical exam. Draco, I understand the Boggart took the form of Voldemort with you?'

Draco saw Harry's head whip up to stare at him. 'Yes,' he muttered quietly.

'Again, there is every possibility this has changed and I feel we should address the issue more privately. So, if you both feel up to it after this afternoon's ordeal, we can move into the classroom in a minute and face the Boggart in my cupboard in there.'

Again, both Draco and Harry nodded.

'The other element is far more personal for you, Draco. Patronuses.' And Draco grimaced, he knew what was coming. Harry was watching him intently. 'It is a fairly well-known fact,' said Fungbury. 'That those who have taken the Dark Mark don't have the ability to cast a Patronus.'

'Professor Snape could,' Harry interjected, somewhat defensively.

'Yes, Severus was something of an anomaly, but then that word rather describes Severus as a whole,' Fungbury mused. 'Either way, I need to know, have you ever achieved it, Draco?'

'No,' he looked at Harry, feeling so inferior to the man beside him who had been able to cast such a powerful spell since the age of thirteen.

'Right, well, part of the Advanced DADA exam is being able to send a non-corporeal Patronus that will carry a message. Therefore, you need to master the spell. Harry, I would like you to teach Draco privately, I know you already have experience in this. I'm sure you will succeed.'

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