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The knock at the door startled Jackie and she jumped before quickly collecting herself and rushing to the door, you don't keep men like Diak waiting. She opened the door and two goons came in first to check the place for threats before giving the all clear. They were both stocky so to speak, one was white and the other was light skinned. Both men were very bald and wore gloves and sunglasses even though it was well past midnight.

"Hello dear" Diak said with a menacing hiss as he entered Jackie's home. "Hello Boss" she replied, turning to face him. Diak was sort of tall, she pegged him at about 6'2 but he wasn't overly built like his bodyguards. His hair was straight and usually hung around his face but she could never quite tell what he was mixed with, but she never cared enough. He removed his sunglasses exposing his eyes that were so dark they looked black. His smile was crooked and reminded her of a serial killer she'd seen on TV and he held a creepy yet domineering aura to match. "She's in the back room to the right" Jackie said quickly trying to get the attention off of her. Diak nodded and followed her to the back with his men in tow.

Sara was sleeping so deep they were able to have a full conversation and she never stirred, usually she could feel if someone was watching her but the drug Jackie slipped her worked too well. Sarah rolled from her side to her back kicking off the covers and giving Diak a better view of her even under her T-shirt and PJ pants.

"My My Jackie, where have you been hiding this work of art?" Diak asked, stepping closer to Sarah to get a better look. Jackie's heart pained a bit, she didn't miss always being compared to Sara's beauty and it gave her all the more reason to set Sara up. Revenge against Sara was so sweet, even if she did nothing wrong, her existence was a thorn in Jackie's side.

"We grew up together in the orphanage. She doesn't trust easily so It took some convincing to get her up here" she replied and waited. "She will most definitely do Miss. Ahnon, here you are" he said pulling an envelope out his coat "a finder's fee of sorts and your last check" he finished.

She grabbed the envelope but he held it and leaned close so his hot breath skimmed over her face "may we never see each other again" he said releasing the envelope and she stepped aside.

"Grab her" Diak ordered and as one of the goons when to lift Sara her lips parted as if she was going to speak. After a moment of nothing the goon lifted her and she sneezed in his face. "Fucking bitch" he grumbled and handed Sara's limp form to the other goon so he could clean his face. They made it up to the front of the apartment and Jackie opened the door for them so they could slip out. Diak was the last one out and snickered as Jackie closed the door on the last of her problems and her past life.

 'She is quite a treat' Diak thought to himself staring at Sara's face. "ooowee you should keep her for yourself boss" one of the henchmen downstairs joked as they left the apartment building. Diak gave him a silencing look but it wasn't a bad idea. He has a feeling that she would be rebellious and he had to break her first even if he didn't keep her and that was all the more exciting.

They slid into an unmarked Ford Expedition and drove away quietly to his headquarters in Canarsie. It took them longer than expected because New York traffic never sleeps but they eventually made it. Diak hoped that dose would be enough to keep her asleep a little longer but it's not like they couldn't contain her if she tried to put up too much trouble. "Put her in a room and watch her. I have business to handle, she doesn't come out till I get back." Her ordered before leaving the building again while his men got to work doing as they were told.

Sara woke up and immediately felt wrong. The room was 20 degrees cooler, the bed was uncomfortable and the sheets were itchy. She sat up slowly, her head still spinning slightly and the room was pitch black except for a sliver of light from under the door. As her head finally calmed down she realized the orientation of the room was completely different and had to do a breathing exercise to stop from panicking.

Her first thoughts were to Jackie, had she been abducted too? She needed a plan to get out the room unseen, find Jackie and get the hell out from wherever they were. Trying not to make too much noise Sara slid out the bed and down to all fours and used her hands to guide her through the darkness to the door. Putting her ear up to the cold wood she waited and listened.

She must have been blessed because she heard snoring, snoring she hoped was coming from the guard to her room. As quietly as possible Sara opened the door and she guessed right. An older goon sat in a chair next to her door and was sleeping with a thunderous snore. Even though he could wake the dead Sara still crept out the room, closed the door and looked to check the other rooms.

She wasn't too afraid to use the light, hoping that if there were other kidnapped women it would wake them and they could get out but the rooms were empty. After checking the 3 other rooms and realizing there was no other way up Sara made her way to the stairs. There didn't seem to be anyone awake so she tiptoed as quietly as possible down to the first floor and looked around. 

She noticed an alarm panel on the wall and swore silently to herself. She would have to prep her escape and then run like hell. There wasn't much to the house, downstairs was empty except for a few couches and a TV that was left on. She saw one guy sleeping on the couch in the living room to the right of the stairs. The main door was in front of her and she hoped there was a back door.

Trying to avoid sleeping beauty she made a left at the base of the stairs facing what seemed to be a coat closet and bathroom. Slipping into the kitchen she grabbed a knife from the block, it wouldn't help against their guns but she didn't want to risk waking one of them taking it off of his person.

Realizing Jackie wasn't in the house anywhere Sara searched for a back door and noticed something that made her heart race with joy. Hanging ever so neatly next to what looked like a laundry room door were keys for a Maserati and buttons for a garage door. If she timed this right she could open the garage door and start the car remotely, open the inside door, which would trigger the alarm, but from there she could hop in the car and speed off.

Sending up a silent prayer she hit the garage button and car starter and heard the toilet flush and someone run into the kitchen flicking the lights on. "You fucking BITCH!" the goon yelled and ran for Sara. Luckily he left his firearm somewhere and she still had her knife.

Sara had to stall because the door was still opening and she was sure the other 2 goons were up. At the last second she crouched low and stabbed him straight in his femoral artery in his thigh and twisted the knife. Between his scream and the sound his flesh made it ALMOST made Sara sick but she saw a shadow running from the living room and noticed the gun first.

Fight or flight kicked him and Sara ripped the back door open and slid into the car and drove off. A brand new and highly modified Maserati GranSport, fully manual and mid-engine which meant the balance was that much better.

Unfortunately she knew she'd have to dump the car because of the low jack but since she couldn't find Jackie, and they already knew where they lived she put Jackie's home address into the on board navigation and headed back to the house.

Not too long later she rolled up to the apartment building, slipped on some men's shoes she found in the back that were a little too big and ran out the car and up to Jackie's apartment but she heard something that didn't sound right. It was Jackie on the phone, Sara had to press her head to the door to make out anything.

"Yeah I'm finally out babe. No more turning tricks, it's just us!" there was a pause and she replied nah I found him a girl to replace me and he gave me a fat stack of cash for it. Some prude I grew up with back in PA" Sara had heard enough and pulled away from the door realizing there was water on the door where her face had been.

She was silently crying as the hate and rage began to well inside her but she heard police sirens nearby. Yes this is New York but she also stole a very expensive car.

Running back downstairs Sara had to pace herself to keep from tripping and ran out the building as a black SUV rolled up with no plates. She knew she was doomed but she couldn't get to the car in time so she ran down the sidewalk praying she would find a store, restaurant or something that was open this late.

The Queen of Kings (Completed) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now