Ch 25 The Coronation

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After last night the kings made sure Sara was fed to her hearts content and then they all took a bath together. She was so tired from the stress of using a lot of magic she wasn't used to that she fell asleep in the tub and she had to be carried out, changed and put to bed. They all took their turns saying good night to her as Cerberus returned to her side and slept at the foot of her bed.

The next day was a whirlwind of emotions because today was the real coronation. Thankfully she didn't have to pick out another outfit since they decided to just wear the same look, it wasn't like anyone but the warriors saw it anyway. However this time Sara was to arrive with the kings and in style. Mazekin and Prudence went on ahead after helping Sara get ready in the mountain cave home she shared with Balaur. The kings all came up from the bottom floor as they were forbidden to see her prior to her look being completed. "Fifty bucks she doesn't make it home with that dress still on her." Hele bet proudly, "hundred she doesn't make it out the venue with that dress on" Mala'ika retorted with a smug smirk and the guys all started betting. "Guaooooo that's like so crazy like I'm not standing right here. Guaooo." Sara said and they all burst out laughing. "Did you call Noian yet?" Balaur asked and Sara wanted to face palm herself. She whistled a few melodic pitches and an icey roar could be heard as Noian approached the mountain cliff. Part of her training with Balaur was to train with Noian and get him to ascend, basically once the bond is strong enough they go from baby dragon to adult in a period of a few weeks. Noian was not a massive crystal dragon much like his father but his body was clear more like diamonds that were perfectly cut. He still had his three horns and sapphire blue eyes and he had more crystal spikes along the top part of his neck and shoulders. Even his claws were so dark they looked back but they were really a midnight blue and his tail had a sharp curve on the end Noian liked to use as a weapon if need be.

 Even his claws were so dark they looked back but they were really a midnight blue and his tail had a sharp curve on the end Noian liked to use as a weapon if need be

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Noian bowed his head letting out a deep breath through his nose that made the bottom of her dress bellow in the wind. She placed her forehead against his snout and took a deep breath their heart and breathing now in sync. "Today we fly in honor and glory." she said to him and he chuckled. 'We always do my queen.' he retorted while lowering his body and wing so she could get on his back side saddle. After she got on the other kings summoning their dragons as well. Murciél's dragon approached the landing area. His dragon was various shades of black and gray with webbed wings that looked to be made as the same scales as the rest of his body. He had two horns pointing off his head where his ears would be and spikes running from between his eyes down his neck. His crimson red eyes were piercing and would look even creepier in the dark. 


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