First Day

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"Class this is our new student Jasmin, please make her feel welcome." I didn't like that everyone was staring at me, so I just walked to my seat. Its hard for Eleventh graders to show maturity because deep down they are still Seventh graders. Another new school and I was used to getting "the look" from everyone. Today is Thursday the 26th and everyone was waiting for Friday. It was only the second week of school so people were tired. I was the new kid who was trying to find where I fit in by jumping from group to group. Since this was such a insignificant school there wasn't many groups to jump from. I mainly chilled with people who looked like I would be friends with them.

At my old school, Whitetail High I was the Queen Bee. No one dared mess with me and my friends. They always cleared a way for me in the halls. Then things got out of hand and I had to move. I dont like talking too much about my past because it gives me a bad reputation. Anyway halfway through the day and I got to see what everyone was like. I eventually found out I didn't fit in with any group here. I decided it was best to keep to myself and make sure no one finds out who I am....or who I was nevertheless.

My schedule was short and simple I never used my locker so I didn't care much. I had English, Science, Math, U.S History, and some days I have gym or study halls. Not in that order but it was time for me to go home and a couple of girls walked up to me while waiting for my ride.

"Ive seen you around the school and thought I would stop by and say I don't know who you are or where you came from but this is my school. I don't like new people. You're pretty which means you can do damage. If I find you do damage in my school we will be having a talk." Just as I was going to remind this bitch who she was talking to I realized it wasn't worth it. I needed to stay low and stay undercover. I just basically hid behind my books and ignored them. My ride showed up and of course my dad had to show off so I went home in a limo which wasn't really keeping it low. Before I got in the girls were staring at me so I said "Sure, ill try to remember that." I said in a kind of nice tone but also rude at the same time. I wanted to be on top so bad but I knew I couldn't. I didn't even bother to get a response before my driver drove away.

"So how was your first day?" My dad was in the limo with me and I told him it wasn't very smart to pick me up in a limo, but I was glad you did. "Perfect timing though." I told him and knew he was going ask. "Were they giving you trouble?" I was going to say yes, but I didn't and I said no they are just trying to tell me not to talk in class anymore. I wanted to tell him the truth but we needed to stay low. At least they called me pretty thats a plus I guess.

I got home which was a very long drive because we didn't want to be in the town so we moved into a mansion a few hours out of town. I had to get up early in the morning and it took me forever to get home. At least there is food and stuff in the car. I always had plenty of room which I usually spent doing homework but since I moved here we dont have much homework if any. Now on the way home I normally just take a nap or play on my phone.


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