4 retpahc

426 5 0

Hello! Quick thing. I've decided to update at least three times a week. And! The title is just chapter 3 backwards. Nothing special. Anyway! Enjoy the chapter!

Still y/n POV
He continued talking, voice muffled obviously. I just ignored it and walked over to to others. I kinda felt bad but, I kinda have to. Stan told me how he is now. Just a perverted player. I've been in multiple relationships and they were all like Kenny. Clyde ran up to me. "H..hey! *pant* I..I'm Clyde. I..*pant* wanna know if I could have your number. Please..*pant*" I nodded and gave him a small smile. "Sure, dude." I wrote it down and he did a...victory dance and ran over to his friends. Okay. Not the weirdest thing that's happened. But okay. Kenny grabbed my shoulder. "(Y-YN)...why'd you..." he looked at Clyde. "Because Kenny, I have my own life. Hah I can give my number to him. It's nothing bad. So it's fine. Why you wanna know?". I sounded like an a-hole but..too late now. "Oh..yeah you're right. I have my life and you haven't even questioned it once, so, Nevermind." He released me and walked away. Oh no.."Kenny Wait!" He turned around and I slammed into him. "Ow! Ow! OOOw! Sorry Ken!" He blushed, "yeah it's fine. Anyway what you want?" I got up. "I wanted to hang out with you. Or something, ue was kinda rude over there. Sorry." He patted my head. (Sorry if you're tall) "it's fine, (y/n). You weren't mean. Just stating the facts." I smirked. "Stealing my lines now, eh?" He just laughed. "Yup. I guess so. Anyway, you can hang out with me. Though, lots of other girls will be there so, just beware dirty looks. Kay?" I nodded slowly. "Surrre."


"Haha Kenny~ that was sooo funny!"
"Haha thanks bebe".
He winked at her. I regret coming over here. He warned me though, this is my punishment. "So Ken. I'm gunna grab my bag..I wanna snack." He pushed the girls off of him. "Kay. I'm coming."
"Why? Aren't you busy?"
"Nahh I'm bored. Let's go."
We started walking while the girls were screaming. Damn. Dramatic much?
"So where's your locker?" I looked around. Sh*t. I forgot. "Uhhh..I..I...don't.."
"You forgot p. Didn't you?" I nodded in shame. "Yeah I did.."
"It's fine. I'll give you a snack from my locker."
"No no! Kenny, it's fine! I'll find my locker..somehow.." He looked down and smirked. "Fine! Your loss, I had some gooood (f/snack) in there." My eyes lit up. "Haha..hah...how bout we go to your locker?"he messed up my (h/c) hair. "That's what I thought. We continued walking to his locker while I'm getting a bunch of dirty looks.

Whew! Two parts in a day! Thanks for reading!
Words: 487

kenny x fem!reader {DISCONTINUED} Where stories live. Discover now