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Readers POV

I walk around the streets in the dark as the moon and the stars lit up the signs and roads. I walk around with my sketchbook and pencil in hand figuring out what to draw. I soon find a pretty building that is perfect for drawing and taking pictures. I sit down on a bench and stare at the building for a moment. I see pink cherry blossom trees, with flowers, a beautiful graveyard, and statues. I smile and look at my paper. I sketch the drawing. I look up at the building and back down as I draw to remember and see all the details that I should put in.

When I finish the sketch, I started to draw on another paper. When I finish, I hold up my paper as I look at it. "Perfect!" I say as I put my paper in my bag and all my stuff in too. As I stand up I start to hear a noise. It's a squirrel. I scan my eyes around to find the squirrel. I then see movement in a tree and smile. I see it poke its head from the tree and back in the tree. I then walk back home. I get my phone out to see what time it is. 9:02. Not too bad. When I get in my house I see my mom watching tv. She is usually asleep at this time.

"Hey sweetie! Draw anything?" Said my mom with a smile as she got up off the couch to hug me. "Yup! Just the college that is a block away. You know, with the cherry blossom trees?" "ah I love that college! It's beautiful. Anyways, you should be going to sleep now." She replies as she pats my shoulder smiling. "It's only 9:02..well probably 9:03 now..plus it's a Saturday." my mom frowns at me. I should have just gone to my room. I sigh as I walk to room room and close my door. I put my pj's on and get my computer out.

I search my favorite Youtuber, CrankThatFrank, and watch his newest video. As I'm watching, I smile and laugh at times. I hear my mom coming so I immediately turn my computer off and hide it and act like I'm asleep. Right when I hear her about to come I remember my light is on. When I'm about to turn it off she walks in. "Goodnight sweetheart." She says as she kisses my forehead and leaves closing the door lightly. I turn the lamp off searching for my computer in the dark. I should have just left my light on *sigh*. I fall fast asleep seeing blackness. When I wake up I smell pancakes.

The smell led to my room. I get my computer and see if CrankThatFrank posted a new video. He didn't. Oh well. I stretch and yawn as I stand up. I walk to the kitchen to see my father cooking some pancakes. I sit down having a friendly conversation with him. "Good morning." My dad says. "Good morning." I say back. I slowly blink. I yawn again. Once father gives me breakfast I nod and say "thank you" and eat. I ate it pretty fast. When I went to my room I got dressed. I wear my white t-shirt with a black jacket and some high tops with black jeans. I wore a fedora (PAtRiCk iS HaPpY) and I get my camera. I also get my sketchbook and pencil. I put all of it in my book bag except my camera, I held it in my hand.

"I'm gonna go outside and maybe take some pictures and draw if I can." I say to my dad. "Ok have fun!" He replies as I wave and leave. When I walk out I stop and sigh as I close my eyes. I smile and open my eyes again as I walk. I love going outside to just draw or take pictures, the world is a beautiful place, I also like to pick of trash. One time I saw a dude throw a Pepsi bottle on the ground and I picked it up and threw it in the trash. Let's just say they laughed i me. But I did you know, flip them off.

I just think people need to understand how amazing the world can be. The people change it though. But you live in your own world and not someone else's. That makes its better for me because that means no one can try and change me or the people I love. I think people should stop trying to be someone else and be them. You have all these people but you, and without you, the world would not be as good. I mean, the world is getting a little bad, mostly the trash, that's why I like to pick it up and throw it away so the people in the future can live a great life also.

I sometimes like to pick up trash and draw it. I just do anything to draw. Honestly, art is my easiest language. Art is everything anyways. Someone can put one simple dot and say it's art, and they would not be wrong. As I walk I see people talking and laughing as they walk by. I smile. I also see some other photographers. I did see one stand out. He kinda looked like a pirate to be honest. He looked cool though. He had a cool hat. It kinda looked like he had red eye-shadow around his eyes.

As I walk to the college I take pictures. Today was a beautiful day. And a perfect day for pictures. I took some pictures of the people walking by and asked if anyone wanted pictures of them themselves. I might have taught some people how to take good pictures also. Everyone was so nice. That's the best thing. As I sit down on a bench I start to sketch out a tree. I was not really into actually drawing and putting details like I did last night today. When I finished I was happy with my work and then I started to sketch out some eyes. They were the best eyes I have ever drawn! It could have been just luck though. I stand up packing my stuff. And I walk towards my house.

When I walk by I see the dude again. The dude who stood out. I think..I think he is my new neighbor! I knew someone was moving next to me but I did not know who. Maybe we could be friends someday. I'm a little new here myself, so we can learn together! I don't have many friends since I moved farther away. I do miss them. I sometimes call them. When I walk inside I look to my side and see him look at me and smile. As I get inside I smile. I close the door to see my dad and mom sitting on the couch talking.

"Hey mom, hey dad." They got up and hugged me. "Hey sweetie" they said. I smile. "Did you get any good pictures?" my mom asked. I nod as I show all the pictures I got on my camera. "Honey this would be a great way to get more money! These are amazing!" my dad said and my mom nods in excitement. I smile as I put my camera away. "We should show this to grandpa, you know how he is with cameras." My mom said and I laugh a little. "He lives like 3 hours away though." i say frowning.

They smile. "We are gonna see him soon, maybe next Friday. We are still planning it out." I smile and nod. I hug them and walk in my room. I get my phone and call one of my friends, Emma. She answers and I smile. "Hey Emma!" I say. "Hey y/n!" I smile more. We have a long conversation about our lives and then we hang up. I smile and close my eyes. I imagined the dude next door. I really wanna be friends with him, I feel like we would be great friends. I open my eyes and get my pj's on. I don't think I will be going anywhere later today. I get on my bed and take a long, nice nap. Today

                                              ________________To be continued _________________

The different people (Emerson Barret x Reader) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now