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Remington's POV

I walk to my to room slamming my door on accident. I hear my mom yell at me not to slam my door. I laugh a little and fall on my bed and pull out my phone. I start to text y/n. We mostly just talk about what is happening and get to know each other a little more. I smile as I text her. We had a lot of things in common. I hear Sebastian with his shoes on. Why would he have his shoes on we are not going anywhere. I sigh as I stare at the door expecting someone to open my door.

I hear him walking around the house and at this point it's just getting annoying. I get up to walk to my door and I stop to hear my phone ding. I walk back to get a text message from Sebastian. It was a video of him walked around the house and he said "Annoyed yet?" And I sigh. Why the fuck is he trying to annoy me, I did nothing. I sigh and inhale and yell, "fuck you Sebastian!" And sigh. I hear him laughing downstairs and I take my phone and walk out my door. I check on Emerson to see if he is okay then I walk downstairs.

I see Sebastian on his phone as he leans on the table. I stare and then I say, "I fucking hate you." Which kinda startled him. He laughs and walks up to me. He poked my shoulder many many times and then I just shoved him out of my way and I got goldfish and ran up stares to my room. I decided to sit on Emerson's bed and just watch over him, just so he is safe. Oh, Emerson's pillow is a unicorn that lights up, it's funny and cute.

I lay down and go on my phone and watch YouTube. My mom calls me on my phone and says, "We are going to a store I think you might like, so get ready please." And I sigh. "Fine." I say and I hang up. I walk to my room and get dressed and go to the bathroom to fix my hair. I then go to Emerson and try to wake him up. He gets annoyed easily, so he obviously groaned and try to get me away. "5 more m-minutes.." he said and I smiled.

"Emerson we are going to a store, mom said, and we all have to go because she thinks we might like it." I say smiling a bit more. He sighs and points at his door. I laugh and pull him out of the bed, or, trying to at least. He smiles a little then frowns and gets angry. "Remington stop." He says trying to get me to let go. I keep attempting to pull him out then he falls out of his bed. I laugh and then say, "get dressed we will be downstairs." And Emerson just layer on the ground about to fall asleep.

I walk out of his room and go to my room to make sure I have everything. I check my pockets to see if I have my phone, which I do, and ran downstairs. Sebastian is in the same spot and I see my mom and dad sitting and waiting. "Where is Emerson?" My mom asked and I said he is getting ready. We patiently wait for Emerson to come down and he finally comes down. We all leave and we go to a store full of instruments. Remington gets excited and goes to the guitar section.

I smile and look at the instruments. I don't really play any but I do like pianos, and I found a lot of pianos actually. I saw a Emerson run up to the drums and check them out, he then walked up to me and looked at the pianos also. This was actually a cool store. There was cool artworks like Slipknot, My Chem, and Queen. We all were just kinda looking around and to be honest we were kinda the only ones there. The store was kinda small too. I take a picture of the store and send it to y/n and say, "This place is super cool you should totally go to this store!" When we left, I went straight to my room and slept for a good 3 fucking hours.

I hope y/n will come to that store, it's really fucking cool, I might just learn how to play some things so I can get some shit there.

The different people (Emerson Barret x Reader) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now