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Readers POV

I wake up to smell smoke. I gasp as I get up out of my bed and follow the smell. It led to the kitchen and I saw a tiny fire from the stove. I saw my dad freaking out trying to stop fire. I freak out trying to help him. My mom walks in the house to freak out also. She begins to help. When the fire stops, we sigh. I laugh a little. "Good thing that's gone. Sorry guys.." My dad says. I laugh and smile. "It's fine." I say then I walk to my room. I close the door and get my computer and watch Gerard way edits, like the emo kid I am.

Let's just say, I'm a pretty big Gerard way fan. I'm mean who can't love Gerard way? I hear my mom calling me as she walks in my room. "Honey we are going out to eat with our new neighbors." she says smiling. I say ok and she walks out and I get dressed. I smile and jump. This is perfect! I wear the same clothes I was wearing before. When I walk out I see my mom and dad waiting for me at the door. I smile and walk to them and we walk out. I see the neighbors and I smile.

The neighbors, mom and da, and I walk to the restaurant. I see the boy slowly moving closer to me. My mom introduced me to them and I smile.

"This is my daughter y/n and she loves meeting new people!" The mom laughs. I then notice that he has two more brothers. They were all pretty tall. They both wave at me as we walk and I laugh a little and wave back. "My son Emerson loves to draw, does yours?" My mom laughed and nodded. "She loves drawing and doing photography, she thinking of going to that art college that is a block away." The other mom gasped. "Same with mine!" Emerson and I laugh. My dad smiles.

While my mom and the other mom talks Emerson talks to me. "There goes them haha." I laugh. "just adults I guess." we laugh again. "So, what kind of things do you draw?" He says going to my right side. "Anything really. Last night I drew the college." He smiles. "I love drawing the things here. It's honestly beautiful." I nod. "It really is. I love the trees at the college and that forest that is close behind it. He looks like me. "I love it too! And that swing set at the college." I smile and look at him. "I do to! I sometimes swing on it. Well I ask permission of course haha." We laugh. When we get to the restaurant we all sat together and talked.

My mom and the other mom have been talking still. Man, they talk a lot. I notice Emerson and I like the same things. Almost as if we are the same people! I found out at this moment that we are friends. We got the same order with light noticing and laughed when we found out. After we ate we went to our house and said goodbye. When I walk in I smile. "So did you have fun meeting Emerson?" I laugh. "Yes." I reply. We talk for a bit and then I walk to my room.

I'm in my room a good bit. I search my YouTube channel. I notice I have not been posting. Maybe I should post a drawing of mine. How about..the college! I get my sketch book and take a picture of it. I go on iMovie (of course) and do everything to make it fit. I posted it. It get views and likes fast. Wow..I then notice Emerson saw it. He commented. Haha. He said,

"Hey it's Emerson and I notice that it's you because your name! You are really good Oml."

I reply saying,

"Oh hey Emerson! And thanks haha."

I laugh. I ended up talking to him a lot in the comments. He is the best!

3 weeks later

It been 3 weeks and Emerson and I would go outside and talk and draw and take pictures together! He is now my best friend! Today I walked with him and we talked about school. It's summer by the way so we don't go to school yet, we are just talking about how school has been for us in the past. My mom recommended a school that I'm going to go his mom. He might be going to the school I'm going to! We go to a place with a path and if you walk in there are trees and benches. It is beautiful.

We sat there and talked for a while. When it was time to go I walked inside and said bye. Tomorrow I might meet Emerson's brothers! I can't wait if I do! They seem really cool. I go to bed sleeping and dreaming about Emerson. Hey I know we just met but he is hella cute. I mean, I don't like him in that way, but he is so fucking cute!

I wake up to see my dad. "We are going to see our neighbors again! Wake up." I smile.

I get to see him and his brothers! Today should be a great day! I hope.


                                                                      ______________________To be continued__________________

The different people (Emerson Barret x Reader) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now