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Emerson's POV

I get dressed and yawn. I go downstairs to the kitchen to see my brothers. "Hey." I say. Remington and Sebastian (my brothers) look at me and smile. Remington comes up to me and softly punches my shoulder laughing. "Time for you to go see your girlfriend." I gasp and get mad. She is not my girlfriend! We just met and she is my friend. Why do they always tease me? Brothers I guess. "What the fuck?" I yell. Sebastian gasped. "Someone is saying some bad words." He says and Remington laughs.

I sigh. I then here my mom coming down the stairs. She walks up and smiles and hugs me. "What are you guys talking about?" She asks and when I'm about to say something Remington says, "nothing just greeting my great brother." And my mom smiles. "That's so sweet of you." She says and I look at him with my arms crossed. "yeah Remington, so sweet of you." I say sarcastically while I roll my eyes. I see Sebastian smiling and trying not to laugh. "Sebastian, honey, can you please go upstairs to see if I unplugged everything in my room?" My mom says and Sebastian signs in anger then fake smiles and nods. "yes mother." He says.

I smile and then he bumps into me acted like he did not do it. My mom then gets her purse and calls dad. I hear him coming down the stairs and messes with his hair. My mom fixes his hair and then Sebastian comes down and we leave. If you don't know already, Sebastian is the oldest brother, Remington is the middle, and I'm the youngest. When we walk out I see y/n's parents walk out and my parents talk to them and my brothers talk to each other. I stare at the door waiting for y/n. I suddenly see her and I blush on accident. I sigh and shake my head. When she walked out our eyes locked together and we smiled. She walked up to me and we talked.

I then see Remington starting to talk to her. He was nice about it so I'm fine. I think Remington and her would be great friends anyways. Remington stopped teasing me I think so it seems fine. Sebastian came over and poked me on the shoulder. I look up at him and he puts his head closer as he points at his phone. We started watching vines. We laughed at a lot of them. When we got to the restaurant we ate and then my parents and her parents let us be free and go to store together.

Sebastian had to watch us since he was the oldest. Let's just say he made it fun. We went to a bunch of stores and mostly art stores. We had a lot of fun. Later, we had a challenge of who could buy the best stuff, me and y/n against Remington and Sebastian. We knew where to meet which was at the college. Y/n and me ran to stores and laughed. We found a cool pirate store, and let me just say, we love pirates. She called me pirate sometimes. It was funny. We found a skull and decided to get it. Before we went back to meet up, we went to one more store.

It was a gaming store. We loved playing video games and we found Skyrim and immediately got it. When we were walking out we held hands as a joke. But what embarrassed me was strangers. They smiled and kept on saying we were a great couple. I think y/n was also embarrassed. Then, a stranger got closed to y/n from behind her and I softly pulled her towards me. I look back at him and give him a "evil stare". He ran off. I look back and notice we are at the college and I see Sebastian and Remington. They smile and I stared. They thought about me and her being couples and I know it.

We look at out stuff and guess who won? Us! We made a great team. We then went back to our parents and before we went to our house I got y/n number. Now I could actually text her instead of commenting on her YouTube videos. Oh! I think her art work is amazing by the way! It is so much better than mine. I just wanna kiss her honestly- I mean her art work! Yeah her artwork of course. When we go inside we start texting again. We text for hours and then it was time to sleep.

I took my shirt off and put on comfy pants and fell asleep. I dreamed of y/n. I don't know why though. I woke up and saw my brothers videoing me. I get up fast confused. "What the hell?" I say and they laugh hard and stop videoing. "Dreaming of y/n?" Sebastian asks and I still look confused. How do they know- oh..I must have said too much while sleeping. They show me the video.

Me: "Y/n...I l- *snores* aaAAAaaa..I love you too- rararara..*snores* *chokes *snores*

Oh my god I'm embarrassed. "I have y/n's Number..I should send this to her!" Remington says and I get up and snatch his phone. "Don't you dare!" I say and he laughs and gets his phone. "I'm just kidding. Anyways have fun dreaming about y/n again." I yell at them and then they leave. Oh let me tell you, I did just what he told me.'

       ___________________To be continued____________________

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