Faded love turns to new

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I looked over at Jake to see him talking with Jiná yet again. I sighed and decided to just walk home. To spare him the trouble.

As I was putting on my jacket a voice behind me, asked, "hey Lia are you alright? Want me to take you home?" I turned to face Jin giving him a forced smile and said, "it's alright Jin, I can walk."

"Wait where is Jake? Isn't he-" he was cut off by laughter.

Jake's laugh.

I looked over at them to see them extremely close to each other and whispering to each other. He looked...happy...I felt tears brimming my eyes and felt arms wrap around me from behind.

I turned and buried my head in Taeyhung's chest. "What the f**ck do you think you are doing you idiot?!" I heard Yoongi's voice roar. I looked to see Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook separating the pair. Jungkook dragged Jiná out and Yoongi was yelling at Jake...who...looked...bored??

"What I was having fun," Jake said shrugging his shoulders and I could feel my heart breaking. "Fun? Fun? You leave your girlfriend to hang out with that woman? Are you mental or something?" Asked Jimin running his hand through his hair.


Yoongi stepped forward to hit him but Jungkook pulled him back(yoonkook) and wrapped an arm around his shoulders calming him a bit.

"Why should I care? I don't love her."
I felt my knees buckle but was caught and carried to the sofa still watching the boys. "Leave," growled Hoseok. Jake scoffed and said, "why should I? She should leave that thing doesn't belong here."

Suddenly there was an echo of something hitting some skin and Jake was on the floor. Namjoon stood above him breathing hard. "They said to leave. Now," he growled. Jake groaned as he got up.

"Fine, see if you can find someone better than me Lia," he said as he headed for the door. "I have he is in this to," I muttered snuggling into Hoseok's warm chest hearing him laugh.

"Lia? How do you feel about us?" Jimin asked softly as he sat down on Hoseok's left. "I love all seven of you," I murmur feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks.

"We love you as well," murmured Jin and kissed were suddenly everywhere making me giggle and squirm.

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