Chapter One

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Adderkit yawned, opening his eyes and seeing the blurry world. His mother, Poppystripe, stirred next to him. His brother, Raggedkit, was already awake. The young cat yawned and picked himself up, walking over to Raggedkit. "Heya, Adderkit!" The brown tom purred, and began grooming himself. "What are you two doing over there?" His mother called, and Adderkit waddled over. "I was just seeing what Raggedkit was doing." He responded, happily purring as his mother began licking him. "I see. It's hard to believe your going to be apprentices today!" The large shecat meowed, before continuing to clean her son. Adderkit chuckled, before struggling to get away from his mother's grasp. "I'm clean, mom!" The kit mewed, finally slipping away. "Raggedkit, come over here and let me clean you!" He heard his mother meow, before padding over to his friends and their mother. "Bravekit, Morningkit!" He meowed, seeing the two wrestling with each other. Bravekit managed to scrabble away from the tussle, and pad to his friend. "Hey, Adderkit! Are you ready for today? So many kits are going to become apprentices today! I'm super excited!" The large tom meowed, his brown tail flicking from side to side. Morningkit walked to the side of her brother, smiling. Raggedkit soon joined the three of them. "Hey guys! How's Furzekit?" Raggedkit asked, looking for his best friend. "Chill, Raggedkit! Furzekit is coming soon, but he's getting cleaned by Poppystripe, Amberkit is next." Morningkit said, flicking her tail over to their siblings. "Are you guys ready to become apprentices? I wonder who our mentors will be!" Bravekit meowed, looking at his sister and friend. "Did you guys hear that Lakepaw is becoming a warrior? I heard some apprentices talking about it outside of the den. Well, more specifically I heard Lakepaw and Stormpaw." Furzekit meowed, bringing himself into the conversation.

"Hey, Furzekit! Is Amberkit coming soon?" Raggedkit asked, walking over to sit by his friend. Furzekit shrugged, "I don't know, Poppystripe has been cleaning us so roughly today. I guess it's because she wants us to look our best." Furzekit admitted, "anyways, do you think Cedarstar is going to start the ceremony soon?" Adderkit looked out of the nursery, seeing Cedarstar jumping onto the meeting rock. "He's starting!" The kit meowed, standing up and running to the entrance of the nursery, his friends right behind. Amberkit joined, her fur groomed perfectly, thanks to Poppystripe. The golden leader soon was at the top of the rock, his mouth opening to start the ceremony. The queens were right behind the bundle of kits, looking proud.

"Will all cats old enough to fish from the river gather under the meeting rock for a clan meeting!" The leader yowled, watching as the many cats gathered under him. He waited for everyone to sit and quiet down before continuing. "Today, many kits are becoming apprentices. We are going to do their ceremonies one by one. Adderkit, will you please come up?" The leader called, and the young tom nervously padded out of the nursery, and sat down at the very front, directly under the meeting rock, or close enough.

"Adderkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Adderpaw. Your mentor will be Ghostheart. I hope Ghostheart will pass down all he knows on to you." The leader began, and Adderkit gulped in alarm. Everyone knew the black tom was very spiteful and enclosed to other cats, and quite harsh. He was surprised Cedarstar would every assign that cat as a mentor. "Ghostheart, please step forward!" The leader yowled. Soon, there was a black cat sitting right next to Adderpaw. The dark ginger tom looked up at the blue eyed warrior, who's face was staring up at his leader. "Ghostheart, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Littleflower, and you have shown yourself to be loyal and determined. You will be the mentor of Adderpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Adderpaw." The leader finished, and Adderpaw and Ghostheart touched noses, the entire clan was shouting Adderpaws name. "I will try my hardest to teach you." The black tom said quietly, before standing up and padding away, and the clan died down. Adderpaw padded over to the nursery, smiling. He saw his siblings looking at him proudly, and the ginger tom sat down next to the entrance of the nursery, waiting for his leader to continue.

The ceremonies for his friends and family went the same. Bravepaw got a grey cat with an all black tale named Berryfur, who was Ghostheart's brother, Morningpaw got a dark brown tom with white patches around his green eyes named Barkheart, Raggedpaw got an all black tom named Slatedrop, and Amberpaw got a beautiful golden shecat with blue eyes named Fernflight. The cats were expecting the ceremony to be finished, and were all waiting for the leader to dismiss the clan, but Cedarstar had one more ceremony he needed to finish.

"Lakepaw, come forward!" The leader yowled, waiting for the blue gray tom to sit down before continuing, "I, Cedarstar, leader of Riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn." He started, "Lakepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Lakepaw looked at his leader in the eyes, "I do." He meowed. "Then by the powers of , I give you your warrior name. Lakepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Lakefrost. StarClan honors your courage and selflessness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Riverclan." The leader finished, jumping down from the meeting rock. He set his muzzle upon Lakefrost's head, and Lakefrost licked the leaders shoulder. "Lakefrost, Lakefrost, Lakefrost!" The clan called, including the newly appointed apprentices.

The leader soon was back on the meeting rock. "Meeting dismissed." He yowled, before jumping off of the meeting rock and disappearing into his den. Ghostheart padded over to Adderpaw, and the young tom flinched a little. Even though the tom seemed nice, everyone had described him as someone who wouldn't hesitate to bite your tail off. He nervously looked over to the side, seeing Stormpaw padding out of camp with Fleetwatcher. He also saw his friends and family all padding out with their mentors, because they all begged to go train. It was Riverclan tradition that apprentices immediately start training, because they always want more warriors. "Are you okay, Adderpaw?" The black tom asked. Adderpaw turned his vision back to his mentor, and gulped before nodding. "Well good, because we need to go train. I want to prove Berryfur wrong. The little scrap of fur keeps saying I'm going to be a terrible mentor." The tom joked, "Let's go see the boundaries, shall we?" Adderpaw nodded, and the two padded outside of the camp, starting Adderpaws first every day of training.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2019 ⏰

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