Keith problem

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Keith pulled Shiro aside and had a troubled look.
"Shiro.. is this like everyone place?"
"No.. not everyone is like this Keith most are—" before Shiro could finish Keith cut him off.
"Phew I thought everyone lived like this.. it would be horrible.. it's so small.." Keith sighed in relief. Shiro didn't have to guts to tell Keith. Though lucky for him hunk overheard everything and walked over.
"Actually not everyone live like this.. some don't have anything at all. It was like lance family.." he frowned. Keith froze up. He never knew it was that bad. His father did all this to everyone.

Almost an hour later Shiro finally got Keith to snap out of it.
Keith flinched. He then looked over at Shiro and hunk. He still was speechless, he had to many thoughts. About his father, about people working and lance. He then turned to lance. Lance had been awake for a good 15 minutes now. Lance got up and hugged Keith.
"Are you ok now Keith? What's wrong?"
Keith stares at lance and kissed him.
"Nothing wrong as long as I have you by my side.." Keith smiled then hugged lance tightly. Hunk awed as he watch the two.
"So cute.." he whispered. Shiro nodded in agreement as he then checked the time.
"Keith your father wants to have you home soon.. if we need too we can stay a bit longer.."
Keith Shake his head.
"No I need to speak to my father, I'll let lance have some time with Hunk then you'll pick him up in a hour or so.." Keith walked to the door as Shiro followed behind. Lance looked at hunk confused.
"Hunk? What the hell happened.." lance asked with a sharp tone as Keith and Shiro left the house. Hunk looked away.
"N-nothing like Keith said.."
"I don't believe you... I know Keith wouldn't say unless he was lying" lance growled softly.
Hunk backed away gulping. He knew lance could get really mad at times.
"Fine fine! Ok I'll tell you!" Hunk was scared.
"Good!" Lance smiled.
"I told Keith that a lot of people here are poor.. and his father was to blame.. and I may have said you didn't have anything.." Hunk was ready for lance to yell.
"You told him... That's why he got upset..." lance sighed

Meanwhile Keith and Shiro weren't on their way to Keith castle. Keith stormed to his father throne room. Once he spotted his father he started to swear and shout at him.
Keith father shake his head and looked away.
"Someone take my son to his room he gone crazy.. and have his mate killed.. they brainwashed the prince.."
Shiro eyes widen and he went to speak.
"Sir you can't do that! Doing that and your son won't ever have a mate again! And it true what your son says!"
Keith was dragged away to his room struggling.
Shiro was then grabbed by another guard. He looked over to see Adam. He then rushed in.
"I'll take Shiro!!" He shouted at the king. The king didn't care and allowed him to take Shiro. Adam then took him away from everyone and said.
"Get Keith, I'll go warn lance, then we can get going. We meet outside the kingdom in the forest.." Adam seem to had this planned for almost years. Shiro nodded and then added.
"You better hurry.. and make sure to grab lance friend hunk."
"I sure will.." Adam grabbed a cloaked and covered himself running off to lances.
Shiro ran to Keith room.

Will Adam make it before the guards?
Will lance live?
(If you want more of this story please do tell me in the comments.
I hope you enjoyed)

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