Honesty Hour

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Throughout the rest of our walk, Harry tells me all about how much he does not like hot weather.

"I never stop sweating!" He exclaimed, more than once. "But, I'll sacrifice my comfort just to help your dad a few days a week."

By the time we get back to the house, it's been nearly half an hour. Dad is asleep on the couch, snoring loudly because of his allergies, and I can't help but worry. He's not getting any younger, and I'm anxious about his health.

Harry excuses himself to call his mom as I get a glass of water for Dad then go gently shake him awake.

"Pizza here yet?" Is the first thing he asks.

I laugh and hand him the glass. "Not yet. Probably any minute now though. Drink up. You need to stay hydrated."

Dad gives me a look of annoyance, but then smiles and takes a long sip. "Thanks, honey."

The doorbell rings and I get up to answer. I skip to the door, excited to see Beck after such a long time, and fling the door open. His light brown eyes scan me up and down quickly. I notice his hair is a little darker than I remember. Probably from not being out in the sun quite as much. It used to be this amazing golden-brown color that I was jealous of, but it's lost its shine in the past few months.

"Hey, Indie," he smiles at me and I almost melt. He sets the pizza bag on the ground gently before enveloping me in a long hug, my head resting square on his chest. "How you been, girl?"

"Busy, as usual," I answer then take a step back. "How are your parents?"

He nods and shoves his hands into his pockets. "Doin' fine. Busy."

"Yeah? I thought they were gonna sell a few acres to some oil company. Did that ever end up happening?"

"Not yet, actually. Still sorting through paperwork and haggling prices."

"Typical Bobby," I giggle. "Anyway, come in. Have a slice with us."

I let Beck inside just as Harry comes down the stairs and into the living room. The moment he spots Beck, he slows and darts his gaze to me.

"Oh, Beck this is Harry. Harry this is Beck, a friend of mine from high school," I introduce them as casually as I can.

"Friend?" Dad scoffs with an easygoing smile. He takes the pizza bag from Beck and pulls out the pizza boxes. "These two were practically inseparable for months when Indie was seventeen."

My cheeks flush and I glare daggers at Dad. I was really hoping to avoid that aspect of me and Beck's relationship. As long as he doesn't bring up why we broke up, I think I'll be good.

"Inseparable?" Harry questions, looking down at me and begging for answers.

I nod sheepishly. "My first boyfriend," I whisper, hoping that explains enough for now. Once Beck leaves, I can drag Harry away to give more details.

"Let's eat," Dad smiles at us all, then leads the way to the kitchen table.

Harry sits next to me, Dad sits in his usual spot at the head, and Beck sits across from me. The moment we're situated and everyone has their pizza, Harry plants his hand firmly on my knee. I know that neither Dad or Beck can even see it, but I know it's his own little act of saying I'm his now, or whatever. Boys are possessive, it's weird.

Dad chats up Beck for a good fifteen minutes; getting all the good gossip about his parents and their farm, how his siblings are doing, what his plans are for the future, blah blah blah.

"I'm actually thinking about finally going to college," Beck answers Dad, a proud smile on his face. "I was thinking about moving to Austin for UT or maybe San Marcos for Texas State."

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