Chapter 1 (Introduction)

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I'm Kiara Hartley, 14 years old, an orphan, brown skin, with long black and brown hair, with black eyes, I'm very skinny, and short for my age.
It's been 2 years now that I have been with the Belanger's Family. My "Dad" well adopted father was the reason I was adopted in the first place. He was so nice to me. I barely even see him cause he's been working. The mom and sister doesn't like me.
When dad not home or around and I make just one mistake let's say I get a B on my report card or forget to let the dog in at night mom will beat on me or I have to stay in the devil's house.
I know what you might be wondering Devil's house well that's the name I call this room it's dark, cold, and it's down in the basement, it's a punishment for me so I want be getting no food, water, or anything. I'm lock inside and out.
My sister Heather Belanger will always tease me or call me names like "pumpkin head".
It was a Friday morning when I was in my room well the room I shared with my sister. I was still in my bed dreaming, dreaming about my family; my real family and how they loved me, I stopped and wonder will I see them again, will I ever be loved.
I was awakened by a loud voice, I woke up to see my mom, Mrs. Belanger kicking me. Get your ugly ass up, she said in a tone that will scare a person half to death. I listen to her and got up and wiped my eyes as I let out a yawn. "Oh was you off dreaming about your family again", she said in a fake sweet curios voice. Yes, yes I was the "family" who actually loves me. I said rolling to the edge of my bed.
She rolled her eyes and then spoke,"sweetie we love you." "Love!?", I almost felled out laughing. "You beat me and criticize me all the time what kind of love is that?"
She slapped me across my face as hard as she could leaving a mark behind. I was trying not to cry, but the tears fell down anyway. "We love yo stanky ass to adopted you and what did your parents do they dropped yo ass to that damn orphanage and you called that love", she said laughing at me.
When she was done laughing she throw a pink, dress with circles all over it at me. "Put that on we going over my parents house for breakfast", she said leaving and slamming the door which made me jump a little.
I wiped my eyes and got the dress and a pair of panties from my dresser. I ran the warm bath water while I reach out to grab a towel and soap. I undressed myself and step right into the tub, letting the warm water covered my naked, bruised body.
I close my eyes remembering with my "mom" said about my real family, about my real mom and dad."They left you in that damn orphanage and you called that love." Those exact words was stuck inside me. I was mixed with emotions happy, sad, mad, and this nervous spot in my stomach is worried what if she was right they just left me......
I didn't want to believe I couldn't . I rewinded my memories back to when it was my very first birthday, I got my face smothered with delicious chocolate cake giggling. My mom had an napkin in her hand I tried so hard to remember what she looked like that day, she had big curls in her long, soft hair. She was wearing the most prettiest dress I ever saw. My mother was drop down gorgeous.
My dad on the other hand was smiling and laughing he was very handsome, but there was something I didn't understand, something that was missing a piece to the puzzle, we looked so happy together, so why did I end up there in the orphanage in the 1st place.

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