Storm : Chapter 3

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I woke up to my alarm clock blaring and Claire beside me.

" Claire wake up," I shook her until her opened her little blue eyes.

" Huh?"

" Wake up. It's Friday. Get dressed and eat breakfast so mom can drive you to school."

" Maddie can you take me to school instead of mommy? "

" Sure thing pumpkin. Now go get dressed or you'll be late," she rubbed her eyes and got nodded. I watched as she got out of my room and closed the door. I walked slowly towards the door and saw her disappear into her room and shut the door. I locked my door and entered my bathroom. I began to undress until I was completely naked. I looked at myself in my full length mirror and cringed. I was too skinny. My ribs show, my legs are bony, my arms look like snow covered sticks from the paleness, my hair looks dead, I look dead.

" Why can't I be pretty? Why can't I be funny? Why am I so shy? Why am I such a disappointment? Why can't I be myself? Why did Jack have to go away? " Those questions have cluttered my mind for a while.

" Because you're you." My mind reminded me.

I got a text from a blocked number. I frowned and read it.

' You're just a little worthless piece if shit. I hope you die. Kill yourself. No one'll miss you anyways. Jack wont. Your sister wont. Neither will your parents or the school. The world is better off without you. Get Ebola and die.

- X'

Sadly all of that is true. I am a piece of shit.

It's my fault Jack hates me.

It's my fault the whole school hates me.

It's my fault my parents think I'm such a disappointment.

I looked at my wrists. They are covered in scars, bruises, cuts, and burns. One more wouldn't hurt. They never do. I reached down to my cabinet and grabbed the razor. I put it down on my counter and turned on the water. I waited for the water to be cool enough for me to get in and stepped in , along with my razor. By now the tub was full and I pressed the razor to the skin on my thighs. That place has been clear for a while. I slid the razor fast against my thigh and watched as the red crimson blood flowed out. One cut leads to two, two leads to four, four leads to 50. I watched as the blood dripped from the cuts down to my arm and then down to the water and suddenly all I felt was relief.

" Maddie? " a small voice came from outside the bathroom. How did she get into my room? I locked the door specifically so no one could get in...

" Yes? "

" Are you done? "

" Uh. Almost. Wait a sec. Go eat breakfast and I'll be right down. "

" Okay. "

I heard her tiny footsteps getting further and further away from my door and shut it. I sighed and got up from the tub, unclogged the drain, and turned the shower on. I waited for the blood red water to go down the drain and stepped in to begin washing my body.

Once I was done I wrapped a purple towel around my soaking wet body and went inside my room. I opened my closet and pulled out a white tank top, a pink pastel hoodie with a heart in the middle, blue jeans, and my white vans. I got dressed quickly and grabbed my bag. I ran downstairs to see my mom and Claire eating breakfast.

" I made pancakes. Are you going to eat? " My mom pushed.

" Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not hungry. "

She gave me a disappointed smile and I pulled my sleeves further down.

" Claire you ready to go? "

" Yes! " she got up, gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and ran to get her backpack. I got my keys and headed out the door with Claire.

" Get in." I unlocked the car and got in and waited for Claire to get in. She got in and handed me the seat belt so I could buckle it for her.

I started the ignition and pulled out of the driveway and started to drive towards Claire's school.

We finally reached her school and one of the teachers opened the car door and let her out. I waved at her and she waved back. I left the school driveway and went to mine.

( Maddie's school )

I entered through the front doors and immediately looked down and walked down the hall trying to avoid Chelsea.

" Ugh she's such a whore." How am I a whore? If anything she's the whore. I haven't slept with anyone. Unlike most of the girls in this school.

Why is it so hot here? Is it just me? I pulled up my sleeves totally forgetting the cuts. The new ones and the old ones.

" Look everybody! Baby prostitute cuts! What an attention whore." a Junior I think named Matthew Espinosa yelled at everyone.

Suddenly I heard the laughs and felt the thousands of pairs of eyes burning through my back.

I ran to the bathroom, away from everyone. The tears spilled from my eyes. I'm done. Once I was in the bathroom I threw my backpack on the floor and hid inside a stall. Fuck this. I hate my life. I hate everything and everyone. Except Claire.

" Maddie? " I heard Jacks voice call. Jack? What was he doing in the girls bathroom? Why would he care?

" What? " I said. I got out of the stall and leaned against the wall whipping away my tears.

" Maddie, what's wrong? "

" Everything. Why do you all of a sudden care? "

" I've always cared."

" Bullshit. If you cared you would've stuck by my side."

" Maddie I'm sorry."

" Sorry doesn't cut it. You should've thought of that that day in 7th or 8th grade when Chelsea knocked me out all you did was sit there and watch and laugh with your little gang of idiots."

He went to me and wrapped his big arms around me.

" Maddie, you're stick thin."

" Yeah, and? "

" How long has it been since you ate anything? "

" A week? Two weeks? I don't know."

He pulled away and looked at my wrists. His eyes immediately opened wide in shock.

" Maddie I'm so sorry. If I could take everything back, I would. "

" The bell already rang, we're late to first period. " I got my stuff and walked up stairs to my class.

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