Storm : Chapter 2

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" Maddie. Eat your dinner please," my mom pleaded.

" Mom, I already told you, I'm not hungry," I stared down at my plate of untouched beans, rice, and a chicken leg.

" Sweetheart. You're 16 and 110 pounds. That's not right," she urged.

" What's not right is you forcing me to eat, when I've told you countless times that I'm not hungry."

" Maddie, listen to your mother. You have to eat. If you don't you'll die," my dad took my moms side.

" Maybe I want to die," I got up from the table and ran upstairs to my room. I don't mean to be rude to my parents. It's just that I can't eat without it coming back up. My body has gotten so used to it, that I don't have to do anything. It does it by itself. I got inside and locked the door behind me. I looked down at my legs. My long, pale, chicken legs. They're so thin, that if I fall I'm afraid they'll snap in half. Suddenly there was a light knock on my door.

" Who is it? "

" It's Claire," Claire is my 5 year old sister. She's the only reason I'm still alive. I'm afraid that if I commit suicide that she'll grow up thinking that it was her fault, that she should've been there, and eventually she might end up doing the same.

I turned around and unlocked it. As soon as I opened it she came rushing in, and wrapped her tiny little arms around my legs.

" Maddie? "

" Yes Claire."

" Why don't you eat? "

I sighed. How am I supposed to explain to a 5 year old that I feel like if I eat a single bite of something, I'll explode? I closed the door behind us and locked it so that my parents wouldn't come in. I swept Claire off the floor and into my arms. I went and laid on my bed and but her on top of my legs.

" I'm not hungry."

" Lier. I know you are. I can tell by the way you look at your plate. I saved you some cookies," she pulled out a pair of red velvet cookies that my mom always buys her. They're her favorite. ",here." she shoved one in my direction and I took it in my hand. " On three. One , two , three."

I bit down on the cookie and chewed it. It's not so bad. I'm not vomiting. I ate the rest of the cookie and Claire gave me a big smile.

" You did it!" she cheered.

" For you. I did it for you. Because I love you, and I hate to see you worrying about me."

She wrapped her tiny little arms around my waist and I rested my chin on her soft head. We fell asleep like that the whole night.

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