Sadness isnt good but it can be.chapter 33

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I couldn't take all the happiness with Jess coming back. Talking with her and Megan and seeing everyone happy. Don't get me wrong I am happy she is coming but I want Somone else to come back too. Matthew. You'd think after two years without him it would make you stronger. Yet I'm as weak as a withered flower. Without water The flower will shrivel aways and decay. Without Matt I'm wearing away and I'm not okay.

Megan and carter see me cry all the time. They have gotten used to it and when Jess comes so will she. They can't help me but they try. They really do but anymore there's no point. It just keeps bringing me down deeper and deeper into the hole.
The same hole that I end up dying in.

Carter always gets me better but he's gone. We don't know where he went. Cameron said he left to go get food. I think he's hurt. And I think it's because of me...

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