Ch 10- Rules of Relationships

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White Diamond's P.O.V

"....After that, we put our regular clothes back on and went up this hill that the Gem Temple was built into. Steven said that he would sometimes slide down the hill when it was cold out, since it would 'snow' in the winter, but that it was also fun to roll down the hill any other time of the year. I was a bit confused at first, but he then pulled me down next to him on the ground and had me lie down. I soon figured out how it's done and soon enough, Steven and I are both heading down the slope of the hill and come to a stop at the bottom, both of us laughing while looking at the sky" Blue concludes, finishing up her story.

She arrived back on Homeworld a great many hours ago, Steven all but asleep in her arms as she walked into the Palace. Then, as she's told me, Blue placed him on her bed and under the covers. Instead of getting into bed with him, though, she went off and fetched the Pearl and Spinel that are close to him, bringing them to her chambers. She told them that Steven was sleeping, but that they could keep him company. Both quietly agreed and stayed put as Blue left her chambers. She then, apparently, ran into Yellow, in the most literal sense, but it turns out that Blue was looking for her anyway. Blue expressed to her that she wanted to talk about how her day went, Yellow eagerly wanting to do the same. The two ventured off in search for me and I eventually came across them when entering the former Throne Room. Yellow and Blue said that they wanted to talk and I could almost immediately guess about what the subject would be, so I offered to have my ship be a place where we could talk in private. And that's where we've been for the past three to four hours or so. I sit cross-legged on the floor in a sort of circular formation with Blue and Yellow, each of them having shared their story already. It'll be my turn next and I personally can't wait to tell them about his powers. I just feel so proud of him for all that he accomplished and feel glad that I was able to help him!

"That's certainly some adventure" Yellow comments, tucking some of her hair behind her ear, "Though I still think that Steven's day with me on Eve-9 was a better adventure, in my opinion".

"Whatever the case is, Yellow, I enjoyed it very much" Blue replies, turning to me, "But what about you, White?"

"Yes, what was your day with Steven like?" Yellow asks, turning my way as well. I grin in anticipation.

"Are you sure you want to know?"  I ask, maintaining that same grin.

"Yes!" Both say in unison, leaning forward with even more interest. 

I know I have them hooked just by how they reacted, so I go on to tell them exactly what happened.

"Then get ready to be surprised when I say that I got Steven to use his powers and was even able to help him not only control them better, but also harness them to a point where new powers emerged. We worked for hours at it and by the time we were done, Steven was in a much improved state. He was rather hesitant to talk about them before, but I do believe that he's much open to talking about his powers now that I've taught him how to use them"  I reveal.

"Really?!" Blue exclaims, her eyes widened.

"My oh my, that is something. What kinds of powers did he exhibit, White?" Yellow asks, sounding curious.

"Well, from what I observed a couple days ago, Steven's been able to create shields beyond just the circular form used by Pink, and can use these new diamond-shaped shields in a variety of ways. The ones that he and I were able to practice rather well were creating a protection field over himself and using them as platforms to walk on if he needs to get somewhere where there aren't any. But that's just the beginning. I can speculate that his powers could evolve much more if given time and more practice"  I explain.

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