Ch 12- Arts of Intimacy

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** Fair warning, this is the chapter that will have the lemons with all three Diamonds. If this, by any chance, makes you uncomfortable or isn't something you think you'll enjoy reading, you're perfectly fine to skip this chapter and move onto the next. After all, I do this for fun, not to make you guys feel awkward, uncomfortable or bad by any means. Anyways, into the chapter we go!

Steven's P.O.V

It was one of the most magical nights I've ever had. Being surrounded by the ones that love me and getting to be around them just as equally is truly the most rewarding thing in life. At least for me it is. I find it funny that after so many years of them conquering planets throughout the universe, I was the one who conquered the hearts of the Diamonds. They always were special, but I quickly found out just how much that term really applied to them. I do hope that with Mom's gem, I'll be able to live for a very long time and spend each and every minute of it with the three ladies that are the most precious gems ever to exist.

To summarize how the rest of the night went, the Diamonds and I spent a comfortable amount of time up on that balcony, simply enjoying each other's company, before Yellow called for her ship. We ended up having to walk up the stairs to reach the roof and by the time we got there, Yellow's ship, that she flew me around in, was waiting for us. The four of us got in, Yellow setting me on her lap once she sat down in the pilot's seat, and we went straight back to Homeworld with the help of the gravity engine.

When we arrived, the lights had gone out, so after Yellow parked in the hanger, we tiptoed our way into the Palace. Blue and White both felt tired and expressed as much to Yellow and I before heading off to their individual rooms. This made Yellow smile and she took my hand in hers as she walked us back to her room. I could see that her smile was not one of sinister intent, rather the fact that I would get to spend the night with her while Blue nor White protested about it. Soon enough, we ended up in Yellow's room and Yellow took off her black high heels while sitting on the edge of her bed. She then laid down, facing me, while I loosened my tie and took it off along with my suit jacket and shirt underneath. Leaving them on the floor with Yellow's shoes, I laid down as well, facing Yellow as she drifted off to sleep. She looked so peaceful when she was out and I remember it making my heart flutter. Not long after Yellow turned in, I was right behind her, feeling a bit tuckered out myself.

However, I wasn't able to fully sleep through the night, waking up some time later to find Yellow having snuggled closer to me with her head nearly resting on my shoulder. I couldn't easily go back to sleeping again, so I just kind of laid there and admired how beautiful Yellow looked. She was still wearing her dress from our dinner date and I think it really brings out her inner beauty. Combined with her hair, Yellow looked almost like a rather attractive human woman. In fact, my curiosity got the better of me and I ended up running my fingers through her golden locks ever so slowly. Yellow murmured in her sleep when feeling my touch, shifting towards me even more to the point where her face rested in the crook of my neck. I kept playing with her hair a bit more before I eventually grew tired once more and went back to sleep, hugging Yellow close as I did.

When I wake up for the second time, it's now morning, or at least the beginning of it. It's still rather dark inside Yellow's room and Yellow herself hasn't risen yet, so I don't have many options besides keeping her close to me. I keep her in a hugging sort of embrace, feeling the warmth of her body against my chest. It's such a great feeling, but I'd love it even more if Yellow was awake. We could then snuggle and talk in such a close and comfortable manner, one that I'm sure Yellow is a bit unversed in. And, to wake her up, well.....I have a rather daring idea. One that I'm not sure if it's too out of character for me, but would certainly show Yellow that I love her. Eh, screw it, what's the worst that could happen? Leaning down, I press a tender kiss against Yellow's right cheek, lingering long enough so that it registers to her. And, sure enough, Yellow smiles and soon opens her eyes.

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