3...Ice Cream

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Seulgi stares at the TV screen blankly, not absorbing what is actually being shown on the screen. Both Joy and Yeri who are on either side of her are sobbing under the blanket as they watch the two protagonists of the movie they're watching, confess their love for each other. It's the usual Friday night, where the girls hang out at Joy's place to watch movies or TV shows as their past time.

"OMG I've never cried so much for a movie..."Joy expresses while sniffling.

"Me too...Jeez my heartstrings were pulled...when am I going to find a love story like that?" Yeri replies with puffy eyes and is too, sniffling.

Seulgi showed no reaction to what her two best friends had just said. She was rather absorbed with what had happened recently between her and Irene in her office. Saving her from falling, only to find the two of them lingering at each other, feeling each other's warm breath and body heat. It's not the first time Seulgi had saved someone or helped someone for that matter. Countless of times she saved Joy from falling downstairs, Yeri from tripping on her own two feet, or even helping a random stranger cross the street. But that instance between her and Irene, was something she could not forget even if she tried. She saved her like she always does to others, but Irene made her feel fuzzy and nervous. She didn't want to think she was attracted to her professor or she was falling for her, but she couldn't think of another explanation and this scared her...

I can't be attracted to her! It's wrong...its forbidden for a student and professor to have a relationship! Stop it Seulgi, you're crazy!

"Seulgi you're spacing out again..." Joy says as she nudges her.

"...Huh? What?"

"Joy said you're spacing out again. Is something bothering you?" Yeri asks.

"....Ahhh nope. Nothing. I'm just thinking about the research paper we have..." Seulgi lied.

"That research paper isn't due until a month away, why are you stressing about that now?" Joy replies.

"Guys I just want to graduate with top grades okay?"

"You sure it's the paper or is it about someone?" Yeri curiously asks.

About 'someone'. Of course, it's about someone...

"What do you mean about 'someone'?" Seulgi answers as she turns to Yeri.

"Come on, we know you have a big fat crush on Irene is that what's stressing you out?"

"Seriously? You guys aren't letting this go are you? I don't like her that way okay?!" Seulgi says raising her voice in the process.

"Whoa calm down! Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" Joy states.

"...No...I....Sorry...Just stop with the whole 'I like Irene' thing okay? Its starting to get annoying..."

"Whatever you say. We were just teasing you anyway like we always do..."

It's close to midnight and both Yeri and Seulgi say goodbye and leave Joy's house on their way back to their homes. As Seulgi is walking, she lets out a sigh thanking the heavens that her two friends have finally stopped teasing her about Irene. She felt flustered when they brought her up again, where she unconsciously raised her voice at the two of them. Did they notice? Did they notice I was lying between my teeth? It bothered her that she felt this way towards someone and questioned if her actions and emotions meant that she was falling in love. She finally approaches her house, unlocks the door and quietly enters the house hoping not to wake her parents up. After sometime, she settles in her bed looking at the ceiling still pondering and feeling the sensation and thoughts of Irene in her head.

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