Part 1 - The accident

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Hi everyone! I've been loving Joe and Dianne from afar for a good while now. I thought it was finally the time to take the plunge and start writing about them. I love them together - and I really do think they'll last forever.

I'm gonna try and update this as much as I can but I am quite busy with college at the moment so I can't make any promises.

Just as a disclaimer - none of what I'm writing is factual and is made up purely for entertainment. I hope you all enjoy - please let me know what you think! Any feedback at all would honestly be appreciated. It's the first fanfic I've ever been brave enough to publish.



With a deep growl, Joe gave the coffee machine his best death glare, kicking his foot against it rather pathetically with a huff. The vending machine simply stared back mockingly, refusing him the caffeine he so desperately needed.

Heaving a deep sigh he turned away and shuffled towards the room he'd unfortunately become too familiar with over the last week. He'd been forced out a little over two hours ago by a determined Rina who insisted he go outside to get some fresh air and head home for a much-needed shower. He'd rushed through it of course, desperate to get back as quickly as possible, despite the fact that the shower felt amazing and the fresh air was a much-needed break from the overly sterile air that clung to every inch of the hospital. But two hours away seemed like far too long, and he'd rushed back only to realise how truly exhausted he really was. He hadn't had more than a few hours sleep in days, afraid that if he closed his eyes, he'd miss something.

He had been nearly five hours away, in the middle of a meeting in London with the most insufferable man he'd ever had the displeasure of working with when it had happened. He'd gotten the call from Amy, and at first, he was confused. Amy was all over the place, talking over a mile a minute without really saying anything that made sense. Something about the Elstree and a cab and blood loss. It wasn't until Caspar finally took the phone from him that Joe found out the real reason behind the call; Dianne had been in an accident and was in a critical condition in St. Mary's hospital.

Joe dropped everything immediately, grabbed his things and recklessly broke every speed limit and traffic law on his way to the hospital. The whole time he'd been completely terrified of what awaited him at the hospital, or worse... knowing that Dianne's condition was critical, he wouldn't get there in time.

This wasn't how things were supposed to go. Things were supposed to be good. He was supposed to come home that evening after finishing a long week of meetings and walk into their house, Dianne there, smiling and practically jumping him as soon as the door closed, thrilled that their dreaded five-day work separation was finally over. They'd planned to have dinner together that night and celebrate Dianne's new season on Strictly and Joes exciting new role in a west end musical. He'd even bought some fancy wine that he'd finally managed to get Dianne to taste and they were going to make heart eyes at each other over the table until they couldn't resist each other any longer.

Instead, he was racing towards uncertainty, hoping against hope that what would greet him would be better than the worst-case scenario. When he finally arrived at the hospital a little after seven o'clock , Amy and Oti were there in the waiting room, both squirming in their chairs, apparently waiting for him.

"What the hell happened?! Is she ok? Where is she?!"

"They're just moving her to a room. She's been in surgery," Amy explained, nervously wringing her hands together. "There were some... complications and some internal bleeding. They've stopped it, but the doctor said the next few hours will be critical."

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