Part 2 - How could she not remember?

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I had two chapters ready so I thought I'd upload the second part now just incase I get busy.

Hope you enjoy!!



"Who are you?" The uncertainty with which Dianne uttered the question stunned him because if Dianne was anything, it definitely was not uncertain. The red head was one of the most stubbornly sure people Joe had ever met, even when she was clearly in the wrong.

"Dianne, what are you talking about?" He knelt down further beside the bed, attempting to reach for Dianne's hand once more but finding it impossible with her keeping it closely clasped to her chest.

"You okay, Dot?" Mark and Rina both stepped closer to the bed, their faces both awash in concern.

"No. I mean yes. I mean...what-"

"Dianne! We are here to see Dianne Buswell. Im her best friend!" The commotion from the hallway was enough to draw the attention of all four members of the room towards the doorway. Less than a second later Amy and Oti stood there in the doorway, both red-faced and breathless.

"Amy..." Joe turned back to watch Dianne's face immediately light up at the sight of her friends, thrilled to see the smile that enveloped her features.

"Oh Di, I'm so happy to see you awake and okay." She clambered towards the head of the bed, taking a spot next to Joe, and placed a comforting hand on Dianne's shoulder and a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I'm fine Amy. No need to worry," Dianne sighed.

"You sure about that, darlin'?" Mark watched her with concern in his eyes.

"I'm Positive," Dianne answered, turning back to her dad. "I mean considering I've been in a car accident, I don't feel too bad."

"God only you could get in a car accident, take eight days to wake up and say you're fine." Joe watched the smile slip from Dianne's face as their eyes met once again. There it was; the complete confusion and lack of recognition that he'd seen just a few moments earlier.

"Who are you again? Were you involved in the accident or something?"

This must be what if feels like to have an anvil crush your chest, Joe thought, watching Dianne reach for her mums hand and pull her closer, almost as if she was trying to put more obstacles between her and Joe.

"Dianne, love, what are you talking about?" The obvious panic was lying just under the surface in Rina's voice.

"Don't you recognise Joe?"

"Joe? Who's Joe?"



"Post-traumatic amnesia? What the hell is that?" Joe glared at the doctor, his hands firmly planted on his hips, his face a mask of anger.

"I know this is scary for you, Mr Sugg. But considering how hard Dianne hit her head, we knew there would likely be a possibility of traumatic complications following the accident. Unfortunately, amnesia was one of the complications we knew could possibly surface, but in Dianne's situation, it's rather mild, and it's not the worst case scenario. Be thankful for that."

"Thankful!?" Joe stared back at the doctor, looking like he was about to come unhinged. "I'm supposed to be thankful that my girlfriend has no idea who the hell I am?"

"Joe, let's just calm down, it's all going to be alright," Oti said, doing her best imitation of a comforting mother. The murderous look Joe shot her at the suggestion was enough to keep her from saying anything further and forced her to unconsciously step away from the seething man.

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