Part 3 - The day we met

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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for all the amazing feedback on the last two chapters. It means a lot that you're all enjoying it.

I managed to get chapter three finished last night so I thought I'd post it now to keep the momentum going a little bit. I did get quite carried away in this chapter, so it's a little bit longer. Let me know if it's too long or if you guys actually prefer the longer chapters?

Also, there are some flashbacks in this chapter - and probably the next few chapters at least. I'll make it as obvious as possible when there's a flashback. Please let me know if it reads okay. English isn't my first language so I'll sometimes make a mistake here and there.

I've also sent some of you guys curious cat messages to try and get the word out about this story. Sorry if it's annoying! I have a twitter account but it's only to really see Joe and Dianne's tweets so I don't use it that often. But if anyone would like to share my story out a bit I would really really appreciate it.

Anyways - sorry for rambling. Here's chapter 3! Hope you enjoy.



Ugh, worst coffee ever, Joe thought as he swallowed the mouthful of sludge with a grimace. After a week of attempting to stomach the disgusting liquid, you would think he'd have known better than to continue to consume the hospital's coffee, but desperate times...

He stared out of the window at the view overlooking the city from his seat in the corner of Dianne's room, the sun having only risen a few minutes earlier. It wasn't the most impressive city view he had ever seen, not that it mattered because he couldn't wait to leave the place and never come back. He had been used to looking at similar views from his old flat that he shared with Caspar a few years ago when he first moved to London, ideal location being not too far from the hustle and bustle of London but far enough from the constant business that it brought with it. He loved his life back in Wiltshire - he really did. But, he had always wanted more for himself than working as a thatcher. He was always more business minded and wanted to go onto bigger and better things. Youtube was the perfect gateway for this.

He'd was never much of a rebellious child, but had always been strong-willed, which certainly helped him in the long run. He had been in two minds about quitting his job as thatcher and doing YouTube full time - but essentially, that gut feeling he had meant that he knew it was the right choice. Him and his sister Zoe, had pretty similar personalities. The two had their differences like any siblings sure, but also a deeper understanding of each other, having gone through the same hardships in their early years. Zoe was just as headstrong as her brother and like Joe, had chosen to do things her own way. Not that the road had been easy but after putting in the hours and commitment she now successfully ran her business, a massive youtube channel, traveling the country, working at big events, and doing things she'd never dreamed of.

Lost in his thoughts, Joe took another sip from the Styrofoam cup in his hand and almost gagged at the awful taste.
"Ugh, God!" He turned away from the window, intent on dumping the coffee when he noticed a pair of hazel eyes staring at him. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"You didn't. I've been awake for a few minutes," Dianne said, not breaking eye contact. "Have... have you been here long?"
"Oh, um, no not long," Joe lied. Dianne didn't need to know that he'd ducked back in at around three in the morning after being unable to sit still in the waiting room any longer. "How are you feeling this morning?"
"Okay, I guess. My arm kind of hurts. And my ribs but I guess that's to be expected, eh?"
"Yeah," Joe said with a small smile, standing and taking a hesitant step towards the hospital bed. "Can I get you anything?"
"No, I think I'm okay," Dianne answered, attempting to find a more comfortable position in the narrow bed. "Is anyone else here yet?"
"No," Joe said, trying not to let himself deflate at the question. "But they probably will be soon. Amy's been showing up usually around eight or so. And Oti and your parents are never too far behind."
"Never too far behind what?" Amy asked as she and Oti breezed into the room, their hands full of what appeared to be breakfast. "Morning, Dianne."
"Hey, babe! Good to see you awake, although I wish Joe here would have a lie in for once," Oti said, handing Joe his usual americano. "I got you a double shot."
"Thanks, Oti," Joe said, taking a sip and moaning at the taste.

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