"Touch Me, Again"

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.:Jeongguk's POV:.

A couple of days went by and it was time for us to travel to a different location for our other concerts. The next days after the session between Tae and me, all we did was glance towards each other. We didn't want to make eye contact. It wasn't awkward, it was just odd that we could go from a hot make out session to just band mates... To just bros. We acted like it never happened. Jimin and Yoongi came in the next morning to wake us up and of course we were cuddled close to each other. Thankfully they were too busy that night to eavesdrop or hear anything. That groan that emitted Tae's lips was a little loud, but it was gorgeous. I kind of wish I could hear more of them. Everything about his voice is beautiful. Even his whimpers and cries are breathtaking.

We were in Chicago now and we were given a couple of days to rest and recover. Concerts are really hard on us. We love doing them, don't get us wrong, but we still needed some rest.

Fast foward to dinner time. After a nice work out, we all went to a restaurant for some Chicago style pizza.

During this, Taehyung was staring at me a lot more than usual and it was starting to worry me. I tried to ignore it at first, but it got more and more intense. Everyone, of course, was oblivious to it and to make things worse, Jimin pitched a fit about roommates. So now, Yoongi is roomed with him and Tae with me. I knew what he was doing and it's really irritating. I know he wants to help me and Taehyung, but he said he wants time to work on himself. We aren't getting together right now if at all. Who knows how long he's going to take? I looked at Taehyung again and now he was mouthing for me to check my phone. Confused, I grabbed it and read it under the table.

TaeTae 🐯💜:

"We need to talk when we get back to the hotel."

Little Koo 🐰:

"Umm okay. Is everything okay?"

TaeTae 🐯💜:

"Everything's fine Guk, promise. 💜"

I sighed and nodded towards him. I wonder what he wants to talk about? Are we finally going to talk about that night? Is it about his depression? What on Earth could be going on? Now it's all I can think about. The possibilities are endless. I mean, he's been taking his medicine like he's supposed to and I've heard from a little birdie (🐤) that he's been thinking a lot lately. We don't know what it's about, but it doesn't seem to be bad. He's been his usual cheerful self minus our lack of interactions. I just hope everything is okay.

.:Taehyung's POV:.

I am scared shitless. I mean, these past couple of weeks have been crazy, but in them I've found that I am truly in love with Jeongguk. Granted, I still need to figure out my feelings towards myself, but maybe he's right, maybe he can help. I've never really reached out for it before. I know he wants to help me. So as someone who cares about me as much as he does, I should give him that opportunity, right?

Back at the hotel I was sitting on my bed and Jeongguk across from me. We were in an awkward silence. I didn't know how to start and I he had no clue what I have had on my mind. This is hard for me and I can feel that it isn't going to end well. In all this confusion, I was getting more scared by the second. I don't even know if I can get this out anymore.

"Tae, we've been sitting here for 15 minutes and you haven't muttered a word. What's going on? What was it you needed to tell me?" Jeongguk made his way over to my bed to sit beside me. He set his hand on my shoulder at an attempt to comfort me. It didn't work very well, but I appreciated the gesture. I smiled.

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