Chapter 8

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After I went home and cried myself to sleep I wake up to Madison

"Jess get up"

I don't move


Still don't move

"Jessica!!" she bite me hand hard making me bleed

"Ow what the fuck?!?" I yell as her and pull my hand away

"Were you crying?" I didn't tell her what happened yesterday and sadly with me when I cry it shows for the next hour or so, I guess I cried in my sleep too

"No...." I turn away and hide my face

"Fine don't talk to me about it but you got to go to school" she turns and leaves

I sigh and after about 15 minutes I finally get up and get ready. I get dress and start my walk to. I walk slowly but sadly I make it to school on time. I go and hide in the girls bathroom waiting for the next period not wanting to see Russell.

"Did you hear?" I hear girls walk into the bathroom and start talking

"Hear what?" girl 2

"Alpha had his mate over at his house and his sister came over and made her think that the alpha had a girlfriend" girl 1

"Is that why he's in a bad mood?" girl 3

"Ya, and I hear she's not in his crass room right now so I think he'll be even more mad" girl 1

"Poor alpha, did you see now happy he was once he found his mate? Even if she is a human alpha loves her" girl 2

"Ya, but hey if she rejects him then he's have to steal for a girl to be the Luna, and that will be me" I hear another girl come in and I can tell she's the queen slut of the school

"What makes you think that?" girl 3

"Ya, alpha will fix everything and even if he can't he would never pick a slut like you" girl 1 spat out making me slime a little

'I like her' I think to myself

'Girls alpha has called a meeting, come to room C 19 now!' I heard some guy tell the girls in there mind-link

"Well looks like I gotta go so I can win my man back" slut leaves

"Damn I hate her!" girl 3

"Me too, let's hope alpha can fix things with the future Luna or I'm going to turn into rouge" girl 1

"Me too" girl 2 & 3

They leave and I go into one of there mines to listen to what there saying in the meeting

"Ok, as you all have heard the future Luna is upset and miss understood a situation, so now I need some help getting her back. Can you guys help me?"

"Ya, we can't let are Luna leave" a boy says

"Hey why don't we say good things about the alpha while being close enough to her for her to hear us?" The girl I'm using to listen to says

"That's a good idea" Russell says

"And we can see what she likes and get alpha to use that I his advantage" a different boy says

"That's good too, ok so you know what to do now go" he calls out before leaving

I pull out of her mind and smile a little, 'man he is determine' I think to myself as I leave the bathroom when the bell rings

As I walk though the halls I hear people talking loud enough for me to hear and they were talking about Russell. I guess they really want me to accept him

All my classes go by fast and I start getting annoyed with everyone trying to get me to accept Russell that after school I go to his class room and guess who I find sitting on his desk

"Oh there you are-oh it's just you" the queen slut, at first she had a sweet flirty voice till she realized it was me then she turned it to annoying and bitchy

"Why are YOU here?" she looks at her nails as she asks

"I'm here to talk to Rus-I mean Mr. Sims"

"Russell? Why? I don't know if you have noticed but be like women, not girls" she looks me up and down

"You right, so why are you here? I think he hate want to be women more then girls so I think you should go"

"What did you just say?" she gets off his desk

"Did I stutter?" I put a hand on my hip

"Look here bitch, Russell is mine so back the fuck off" she gets in my face

"I can tell, seeing as though he can't keeps his eyes off me and can't stand having you around" I smirk

Her face goes red with anger and she slaps me across the face, oh and her claws came out a little so it scratched my face some

"I'm only going to say this once, do NOT do that again" I do not like people touching me let alone slapping me

"Aww did I hurt you?" She uses a fake sad voice and slaps me again

"That's it" I look at her and growl but I didn't realize it was a dragon growl and I feel my nails change and her face goes pale white

"Ugh, oh no" I mutter as I look at her and do a spin and kick her in the face sending her flying arises the room then I run out of the school and to the wood to calm down

'Damn that was close' I look at me hands as my claws turn back to nails

'Hey Madison?'


'You knew my parents, so um what did they say would happen if i got my drain side?' I was starting to get nerves

'Well you would get claws, your eyes would change, your skin would change and you would get wings, well I'm sure you would be able to fully shift but they said if it came out when you were emotionally unstable then it would just be the eyes, claws, teeth, and wings, why?'

'Um well you see....'


'OH MY LORD WHAT THE HELL??? No I didn't, I was upset cause last night I made out with Russell and his sister came in and say on his leg and I didn't know she was his sister so I was upset then she told me what happened and he has gotten everyone in his pack that goes to my school to try and get me to accept him, so all day I've been feeling sad, stupid, happy, annoyed, and got angry when queen slut slapped me twice'

After I finish she doesn't say anything for a while and I start to get worried


'I got to go, I'll be home later'

I sigh as I walk up to Russell's house and see his car in the drive way. I sniff the air and know he's home. I take a deep breath then go and knock on the door

"Go away!"

Knocks again

"Go Away!!"

Knocks again

"Kathy (queen slut) I Said Go Away!!!!!" he comes to the door and opens it and his eyes were pitch black and e was growling till he sees me

"Jess....." his eyes go back to there beautiful blue

"I um I wanted to come talk to you, I um I was going to talk to you at school in your room but the queen sl-I mean Kathy was there and so I left and came here" I look up at him as he relaxes a little

"Look I just want to say yest-" I cut him off by kissing his, small short kiss

"I know, Bailey chased after me and told me she was your sister and that she always acts like that"

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