Chapter 13

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He carries me to his house. It was filthy. I looked around at everything as he carried me up to his room and it was even worst and smelled like something died in it. I close my nose and look at him and he has the same gross look on his face

"Um......least go stay at the pack house....."

"Good idea" I nod fast and he turns leaves the house fast and gets in his car with me

He smiles at me then kisses me after we get seated. It was so nice kissing him again but I pull away and rub my lips and chin. I didn't realize but he has grown a mustache and beard and it was itchy. He looks confused for a moment then feels his face.

"Oh, I didn't know I had grown facial hair. I'll shave it as soon as we get to the house" I smile at him and nod.

He drives to the pack house and we go inside to fine a lot of werewolves in there. They all stop and look at Russell then me then him again and they all smiled big as some kids came running up and jumping and hugging him

"Alphas back!!!!!!" the kids all yelled making me giggle bad him laugh along with everyone else

"Yes I'm back. Now if you kids would excuse me I need to shave and shower then we will have a pack meeting." They hesitant but finally let him go. He grabs my hand and walks me up stairs, well we took an elevator which I'm glad because he took me to the top of the pack house which was 5 stories tall

"Ok this is my room. Well this whole floor is my floor. No one comes up here unless it's an emergency or it's you coming up" he smiles at me

"Aww, aren't you sweet"

"Yes, yes I am" he gave a cocky smile then opens a door, "ok so this is my room, that door leads to a joining room for when I found my mate and she may not want to sleep in the same bed as me at first"

"Smart, so that's my room?" He looks at me a little sad but smiles slightly

"Yes, I until my house is cleaned up then you'll have a different room. Ok so there's a shower in there and over here so I'll see you when you get out then" I nod and we go into the different bathrooms

I take a good 30 minute bath and spent a few extra minutes struggling to get out of the bath and to dry off my tail. Russell had laid out some cloths for me but I didn't like then, too tight, so I went into his room ad lucky he was still in the shower. I found some sweat pants and a t-shirt of his. I had to roll the pants so many times but even if they fell his shirt was like a dress on me.

After I got dressed I looked at some of the pictures he had hanging up. I looked at them and saw cute pictures of Russell as I kids and the pack members but I stop at two pictures

"No way....." my eyes widened a little

"Well I see someone was trying to sneak a peck" I don't even have to look at hi to know he was smirking as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek

"Oh ya like id have to sneak I peck. I could gladly strip you before you could even realize what I did mad just stare at you"

"Mmm, so why don't you" he whispers in my ear then nibbles on it making my giggle

"Ok stop being a perv, remember you have a pack meeting to go to"

"Aww, ruin all the fun" he pouts and walks away. I turn to him to see he has pants on but no shirt

"I was just reminding you"

He says nothing



"Ok fine, I don't talk to me. But you won't get any kisses for a month" before I could blink he was standing right in front of me

"No no babe I was playing, please don't making go though not kissing you that long, it's been too long already"

"Ok ok fine" I giggle at how he was acting. This guy, the 20 something year old guy who is a werewolf and who is also an alpha is acting like this. Man I got him whipped

"Can I kiss you now? My face is all smooth and I cleaned my mouth I showered. Please?" he did the cutest puppy dog face iv ever seen

"Ok fine"


He quickly smashes his lips to mine and we get into a heated make out session. We finally pull away trying to catch out breath as he lays his for head on mine.

"God I missed that so much"


After that I heard his bare calling for hi though there mind-link.

"Well, time to meet the pack" he smiles at me ad grabs my hand pulling me into the elevator, "oh by the way I like seeing you wear me cloths"

I give him a quick kiss and be growls at me a little and I giggle knowing it's a way to tease him if I give him a quick kiss.

We get outside and I see a ton of people talking to each other as the wait for us.

"Quiet. Quiet everyone." everyone stops talking and looks at Russell, "good, now I know iv been gone for a while and I apologize for that. I had to fix some things, but I'm back now and I'm staying. Also I would like to introduce my mate, your Luna, Jessica." Russell smiles at me as everyone claps and cheers

I was shocked a little but then I remember how important the Luna is to a pack. After he says a few more thugs about training and all that we go inside. I go to the kitchen to get a drink when I a women comes in shrinks gives me a bear hug making me drop the glass cup and it's breaks on the floor

"Umm....." I look at the women a little weirded out

"Jess you ok? I heard something break" here came in Russell in all protective mode

"Um ya, everything fine, just getting hugged to death by someone I don't know" he turns the laughs

"Oh sorry about that. Come on mom give her some space" he pulls her off me then hits Russell

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU FOUND YOUR MATE!" You could tell she used to be the Luna. Her yelling kinda scared me a little, and I could easily kick her ass

"I'm sorry I was just so happy I forgot to tell you?" As Russell spoke it came out more as a question then an answer

You could tell she was about to blow till a am came in who looked jut like Russell but with gray hair, "now sweetie calm down. He had to make sure she wouldn't reject him before he could tell us"

She looked at the man then Russell and sighed, "fine, but when she gets pregnant with my grand baby's I BETTER BE THE FIRST TO KNOW" he nods fast as you could tell he was scared which me laugh a little

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