Chapter 25

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We fly for about a day till I find a cave which we slept in for a good day and I caught some food for us. Iv tried to contact both Russell and John but for some reason it's not working.
It's been about a week now since we broke out and I still can't get ahold of John or Russell which is scaring me, and my belly is getting bigger. I get the feeling I might be carrying a baby but I don't know for sure.
"Jess where are we even going? We have been walking for days and not seen anyone" Kaiden has been complaining do much and him mad his brother have stopped completing each other sentences pretty much, well sometimes they do
"If you don't stop your whining I'm going to smack you up side the head" iv also been having mood swings so iv been getting mad easily
It was silent the rest of the time we walked. Which finally we came across part is the ocean, you have no idea how happy I was to see the ocean. It's been my home for so long that it's been hard being away from it.
"Ok jump in you guys" they turn and loo at me like I'm crazy, "ugh come on I know my way around the ocean so jump in and we can make it back to my mate and warm house, bed, food" once I say that they all jump in.
Laughing I jump in after them. I make an air bubble around there heads so they can breath as we start swimming. Oh also I didn't change into my mermaid and do you know how hard it is to swim without a tail??
We swim for a long time till I get some dolphins so give us a ride back to Madison and around there. Once we get there I get attacked by Madison and her baby, I guess they missed me a little. I tell her everything that happened to me and the boys as they sleep and rest up in my underwater cave.
While they sleep I leave the cave and start walking round looking for the pack and Russell. Walking back into the pack house it hear Katie
"Did you find here???" She comes out from the kitchen then runs and hugs me right when she sees me, "Jessica where have you been? Are you ok? What happened?"
"Yes I'm ok, and I got away from some people who kidnap me along with 3 new friends. Where's Russell? I haven't been able to get in touch with him"
"He's a mess, it's just like when you two had that fight but this time he won't lay down it even sit" she sighs, "oh Frank, go find Russell tell him Jess is back" she tells a man who was walking by. He looks at me and I saw depression in his eyes but once they meet mine the depression disappeared and a smile came on his face. He nods and leaves fast
"What was that? Why was he depressed?" I turn to Katie
"Because the packs Luna was kidnapped. The Luna is just as important to the pack as the alpha is. The whole pack has been like that ever since we heated you got kidnapped" she gives me a sad smile
I told her I needed to get my friends so I left and got the boys and brought them back to the pack house. Not the best idea, I forgot cats and dogs don't get along well, especially werewolves and were-cats.
"Where is she?? This better now be some fucking joke or someone will die!!" We hear a loud voice boom though the house and it scares the boys to the point that they shifted into the house cat form and are hiding behind me.
Standing up I slowly walk into the hall way and see a pissed off, sad, depressed, lonely, angry, dirty, bad smelling Russell. Once he sees me all you can see is happiness as he runs at me and hugs me as he spins me around.
"Ok ok stop I'm gonna puke if you don't" he laughs
"Very funny, you can't puke" he was happy to see he but he also forgot I'm only half dragon so I can still puke....which is what I did.....on him.....i couldn't help it though

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