Chapter 21

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I slowly open my eyes after I wake up and see nothing but darkness. So I change my eyes to my dragon ones and look around to see there's 5 other people laying on the ground down here in different rooms, looking up I see a lot of people walking around up stairs. I try to stand up but stop when I realize I'm locked upon chains.
"Yes of cores we got her, she's right down here" I hear voices and foot steps so I lean my head back down and close my eyes slow my breathing and heat beat to make it look like I'm sleeping
"Here she is" I hear them turn a light on and walk closer to me
"Ahh good work, she's the one" one of the men, I think he's older then the other two says
"She's not half mermaid though, it was raining when we loaded her up and she didn't grow a tail though" guy 1 says
"That's alright, she's found her mate?" Older guy asks
"Ya but it's just a puny werewolf, nothing to worry about" I can hear the smirk on the other guys face and all I want to do is smack the cheap out of it
"Why is some of her skin dragon scales?" Older one asks
"Oh, we talking to someone asking that and he said dragons do that in human form when they don't fell safe, but I guess being half dragon she can't make scales go all over her body" he walks over and lifts me sleeve a little showing them something
"Alright good work, we'll load her up and go to my place shortly" with that they walk out and leave
What is going to happen now?? And what did he mean I didn't grow a tail??? I'm so worried, I hope your ok Russell
-Russell POV-
I wake up to someone shaking me and yelling at me but it's hard to make out the words.
"Ge........p.......Ru......." I start hearing parts
My eyelids feel like weights and my body aches
'Wolf bane' my wolf yells at me
Wolf bane?? Shit what happened?? I slowly open my eyes to see the sun is just coming up and I see Johns worried face. Oh no what happened? Sitting up was hard and hurt bad
"Russell what happened??? Where's Jess???" John yells at me
"Stop yelling, someone hit me with wolfs bane and it am hurting all over including my head" I say quietly
"Sorry, what happened?" He talks quieter
I think for a moment, "Jess and I were walking......we heard twigs snap but thought it was you trying to scare us.......then wolfs bane was blown in my face.....thats the last thing I remember" I rub my head then what I said sinks in, "where's Jessica???"
"We don't know" johns face is filled with worry, anger, and sadness
'Mate gone' my wolf howls a sad and lonely howl
"Um this is probably very bad timing but I think she might be pregnant too...." Fallon speaks up
"WHAT?!?" Both John and I snap our head at her and tell as the same time
"Ya, she's been eating a lot and I know all newly shifted dragons do but haven't you seen how she eats? She'll mix some stuff up that most people would find gross and she's eating a lot of pickles too. If she is pregnant and in danger her dragon will protect her belly and it'll be harder for her to heal...." she backs up a little when she finishes, I see why she did because John shifted into his dragon and roars as he takes off into the sky
'No on take mate, we get her back' my wolf growls at me and I agree
Standing up I sniff the the air and trees close by, damn it rained.
'Jess? Jess you there??' I try mind linking her but get no answer
Shifting I run into the woods fast and start looking for her or her scent
-John POV-
Once I find Jess she better be ok! I can't lose her. I fly around for a while trying to see if I can see anything but nothing. Damn this is just like when I looked for her when we were little but this time there's no ocean close by and she was taken.
I fly down to the ground and sniff around some, smelling nothing thanks to the rain I use my dragon eyes to see if anyone's walked here recently.
I walk around till I find small heat marks where someone walked then I see tire marks. Yes Jess I'm coming sis!
I roar loudly letting Russell know I found something then I start running as I follow the tracks

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