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Hey guys, just so you know, I was thinking of ending this story at chapter thirty-five. I just feel like this one's getting kind of dragged out and has lost most of its love. Thank you to everyone who has stayed with this story for thirty-four chapters! I love you all!

And please tell me what you think of ending the story next chapter.
•Gavin's POV•

I wake up in bed, Michael wrapped up around me. The pile of soiled clothes on the floor reminds me of last night and "the bet," and I can't help but smile. I can only guess that Michael carried me to bed after I fell asleep.

"Hm, so you're awake? Good morning, Gav." Michael mumbles softly in my ear.

"Good morning, Micoo." I say reaching down and rubbing Michael's hands, which are wrapped around my waist.

I reached over to the side table, which is where my phone ended up I guess, and texted Geoff.

Hey Geoff, don't worry I stay with Michael

"Ya know what we get to do today, Gav?" Michael says as I set my phone down again.

"What, Micoo?"

"Work." Michael says with a smile.

"Well, I knew that!" I reply, giggling.

Geoff texts me back a minute later.

I know, Gavin, you guys probably fucked

I can't even really reply to Geoff, I just sit with my eyes wide for a second.

You definitely weren't subtle about it the other night, at my fucking house

I giggle to myself and set my phone down, getting up to take a shower. Michael's already gone into the kitchen to make coffee.

As I step into the shower, the warm water washes over me, and I feel suddenly so awake. It's so nice and warm I just kind of stand there for a good couple of minutes, completely forgetting about washing my hair.

After washing up and making sure all of the shampoo is out of my hair. I double and triple check, because I usually end up with some suds in my mop of hair.

I step out of the shower and grab a towel, quickly drying off my hair. After trying to tie the towel around my hair four million times, I eventually succeed and grab another towel to wrap around my waist.

Michael walks into the bedroom at the same time as me, and he hands me a mug of coffee. I try to grab it, but he kisses me before letting go. I take a sip and smile at him.

"Latté." He says, smirking.

Michael goes into the bathroom, and I hear the shower running. I pick up my phone and see a text alert from Geoff.

Besides, why would I worry about you? No one would try to mug you, they'd all just be like "he's too easy"

I laugh and dig through Michael's closet, pulling out a pair of jeans and one of his three Team Nice Dynamite shirts.

I reluctantly grab a pair of his boxers, hoping he won't care. Just as I finish getting dressed, Michael walks out of the bathroom, immediately laughing at me.

"W-What?" I say, beginning to laugh as well.

"That's... Those... My jeans are way too fucking big for you!" He laughs, holding his side.

"Shut up, Micoo!" I shout, laughing.

While Michael gets dressed, I lay in bed, finishing my latté and picking up my phone to text Geoff back.

Hey I could beat them!

Geoff immediately texts me back.

Maybe... if you could get to your phone and call Michael ;P

"Alright, Gav, you ready to go?" Michael asks, standing at the end of the bed.

"Yeah, Mikey Wikey." I smile, jumping up out of bed.

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